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Sausauge Type Air Filter for Blade.
mike smith1 - 6/6/08 at 01:30 PM

Hi All,

Wat sausage type foam filter have you got?

Any particular height etc links would be good!!


indykid - 6/6/08 at 01:51 PM

i've got an itg jc40-65

ideally you need at least 30mm clear at the end of the trumpets to maintain the stand off but people have got away with less.

sausage filter

base plate

[Edited on 6/6/08 by indykid]

StevieB - 6/6/08 at 04:14 PM

TTS Performance are your friend!

mark.s - 6/6/08 at 05:06 PM

thats where i got mine from but they ain't

Ricks-9r - 6/6/08 at 06:06 PM

i got TTS sausage type ,induction roar is very loud so might put standard air box on with pipercross air filter to cut down on noise in