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Intermittent Miss Fire
mike smith1 - 11/8/08 at 02:06 PM

Hi All,

On the way to and from Peterborough yesterday the car had an intermittent miss fire, it did it about 4 times in total only for a few seconds, when it happend as soon as you backed off the gas and on again it went, any ideas?


jambojeef - 11/8/08 at 03:03 PM

Sounds like fuel starvation perhaps.?

Could it be you are running a little low on fuel?

I havent got a swirl pot in my tank and experience something similar on lowish fuel levels. Im presuming the cause on mine is that the pump takes a gulp of air every so often and cant meet the demand from the carbs.

Feel a misfire - Back off - fuel sloshes around a bit and gets picked up by the pump + demand is lower - car feels ok again.

Just a thought.


mike smith1 - 11/8/08 at 03:39 PM

Cheers Geoff, plenty of fuel in the tank during the whole trip, think i'm gonna get it set up on the rollers and see wat they say.


simoto - 12/8/08 at 10:09 AM

If it was sort of chuntering and not clearing properly when coming off idle under load then worn emulsion tubes are a possibility too.
hth si