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porsche 924 as donor?
skinned knuckles - 26/11/09 at 08:56 PM

Hi all,

i've just been trolling ebay in search of a donor for my locost and happened to come across a some 924's. has anyone tried something like this before? i think that a transaxel wil give a better weight distribution but dont know much about transplanting them in to a kit?

thoughts please

ReMan - 26/11/09 at 08:59 PM

better weight distribution, maybe, but it may be difficult to keep the transaxle from taking up the space where the seats normally go

Miks15 - 26/11/09 at 09:02 PM

Yeh youd have to look at how much room it takes up in the back, but i guess since o gearbox upfront you could have more legroom!

StevieB - 26/11/09 at 09:14 PM

My car has 60% of the weight at the rear end, and that's with a sierra diff only - and that's without me sat in it (bec though). A transaxle may put too much weight to the rear in a cec in the same way.

[Edited on 26/11/09 by StevieB]

skinned knuckles - 26/11/09 at 10:32 PM

definately tempted to give it a go, may have to take a look at the plans for the chassis to see where i'd have sacrifice/stretch. a stretch of a few inches shouldn't be too big a deal and i would have a bit more room up front to play with.

goodall - 27/11/09 at 08:09 AM

Would be best to use a 924 turbo, they use a small more compact 'box which is lighter too. The normal 924 uses a Audi 'box so it's rather big. However it would be lighter either way. I had looked into it as would work with my Audi engine however I decided just use type 9 and then the diff from my donor.

speedyxjs - 27/11/09 at 08:13 AM

WOuld certainly be an interesting build and im sure it could be done with a few chassis mods but i would be worried about the weight distribution. A normal seven can be tailhappy but a 40:60 weight distribution is obviously working for StevieB.

D Beddows - 27/11/09 at 02:28 PM

YOU of all people are expressing concerns over an potential unfavourable weight distribution handling issue in a 7............!! no evidence of that having ever being a concern to you far!

Sorry, couldn't resist and I'll get my coat etc etc

procomp - 27/11/09 at 03:00 PM


seven type cars are ment to be light agile and nimble. Something that seems to have been long forgotten.

Cheers Matt

D Beddows - 27/11/09 at 04:02 PM

It's not the building of something that is actually able to go fast which is apparently appealing nowaday's it's something that sounds like it will because it's got x amount of BHP and who cares how horrible it actually is to drive.....bit of a chav/nova/barry boy outlook in my honest opinion but people should build what they want with their own money......

Coat on, out of building, don't even bother Mr Henderson......

morcus - 6/12/09 at 10:13 AM

Barry boys activly modify cars to be as horrible to look at as possible, its the ony explanation that makes sense, why else would you put half a body kit designed for an escort on a corsa?

rsk289locost - 8/12/09 at 02:07 PM