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How's the best way to set it up?...rather than upset it!
Numb nuts - 1/12/08 at 09:05 PM

The Velocity needs the brakes balanced between front and rear, the list of to do's gets longer, I knock one off the top and add two to the bottom

I know many of you have jumped through this particular hoop in the past...but would one of the fonts of all knowledge be good enough and give me some idea of the percentage of braking front to rear I should be aiming for, and how this can be best achieved PLEASE

wicket - 1/12/08 at 09:19 PM

My setup was not very technical. The car was put up on 4 axle stands, all wheels off the ground, and the bias bar was adjusted until the front wheels could not be turned by hand but the rears could when the brakes were applied. At SVA it passed all the brake tests without further adjustment, but maybe I was just lucky.

[Edited on 1/12/08 by wicket]

Steve Lovelock - 1/12/08 at 09:24 PM

I didn't even do that much. I just set it up with the bar angled towards the front resevoir and it has worked fine ever since and past SVA.

Numb nuts - 1/12/08 at 09:48 PM

Thanks guys, now we have the 'technical side' sorted out I will have a go!!

simonk - 1/12/08 at 10:43 PM

I set up the brakes by doing 'brake tests' on a closed road and adjusting the balance forward from 'centre' until the fronts reliably locked first. Passed SVA and helped to bed in the brakes - didn't do much for the tyres or the neighbours though.....
