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Luego headlight relay wiring
tomgregory2000 - 11/1/09 at 04:53 PM

My wiring diagram for the relay pack for the headlights has faded sooo much i can only make out where half of the wires are supposed to go.
Does anybody have a copy they could e-mail me?


repper - 11/1/09 at 05:15 PM

ill have ago at scaning it in to my computer
u2u me your email adderss and home adderss ill post you a copy if it dont work

[Edited on 12/1/09 by repper]

richard thomas - 11/1/09 at 06:24 PM

Not really topic related but worth mentioning i think.....threw me when I was doing my loom/lights etc - the sticker on the fuse box was back to front so when fault diagnosing during the build it made it slightly tricky 'till I realised!! The loom was supplied by Luego, but I think they bought out to watch for...

repper - 12/1/09 at 04:02 PM

ive sent by email but dont no if its worked as i sent it to my sen to see if it worked but has not landed so ive sent it buy post as well