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Luego's at Detling Show
jollygreengiant - 30/1/09 at 11:22 AM

Ok lads are any of you going to the Detling show (12 - 13 April ) If you want to go let me know and I will book a show area (outside) for you.


Paul (Notts) - 30/1/09 at 04:04 PM

Too far.. too cold... + still finishing winter mods of.


Steve Lovelock - 31/1/09 at 09:02 AM

Poo, I really like this show but have just arranged a house swap starting on that Sunday, poo, poo. They have a drag strip that you can take your car on and I was really looking forward to having a go, poo.

bill132hotrod - 31/1/09 at 01:02 PM

Hi Guys Yes i want to go its only 1/2hr from me and it will be my 1st show, got a mate who is hoping to go as well but he has got a Quantum Extreme, so he will be somewhere else, I did not know they have a drag strip, (have to have a go at that, WOO HOO.

rusty nuts - 31/1/09 at 03:02 PM

If the other half is working and the weather is kind I may go but probably not for the weekend.

NeilP - 1/2/09 at 04:17 PM

Ditto on weather but it's a fair haul from the mids so the old price of juice may have to be a consideration...

Steve Lovelock - 22/2/09 at 12:00 PM

We have decided to stay at the in-laws on the Sunday night which allows me to make it after all. Won't be camping as it will be Sunday only but will be on the drag strip, if it is there this year, and looking around etc.

Danozeman - 26/2/09 at 04:30 PM

I may be there. Whats the show like?

Numb nuts - 26/2/09 at 09:47 PM

Depending on the weather Les and I hope to make a day visit of it... our first show as well. I like the idea of the drag strip, gives me the incentive to get it dyno'd ASAP. Steve

jollygreengiant - 27/2/09 at 02:28 PM

I have sent off to promoters to book a space for about ten vehicles on outside display for Luego Owners Club. I have not heard anything back yet but If & when I do I will let you all know. Depending how things go on the 23rd for me I don't know If I will or won't be going. Hopefully I might just have to have a drive.

Worried From Northamptonshire.

rusty nuts - 27/2/09 at 08:12 PM

Still don't know if SWMBO is working that weekend but if she is maybe we could go in convoy ?

Frustrated from Cambridge.

simonk - 2/3/09 at 10:56 PM

Have family-in-law in Ashford, so am hoping to swing it that we can come visit - if we do it will probably be a stay-over with the outlaws and bring the whole family in Viento and tin-tops to the show for a day.


kenton - 4/3/09 at 06:55 PM

Yes i will be going, most likely on the monday. Will have a go on the drag strip if its there.

wilkingj - 5/3/09 at 09:13 AM

Sorry cant make it already booked that weekend elsewhere

Its Easter Weekend