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Need some enthusiasm.....
richard thomas - 22/8/09 at 08:25 PM

Need to weld gear stick back on, lobro's need sorting (again) and some play in the diff flange......also MOT expired.

Trouble is, need to spend so much time on the house (renovation) that I am struggling to find the time to get on the car - only driven it 4 times this year, and then only for a couple of miles.....



Plus my powdercoat is depressing me....

[Edited on 22/8/09 by richard thomas]

Xtreme Kermit - 22/8/09 at 08:36 PM

keep going ia all I can say. I got Kermit back from the exhaust guys today and have done about 150 miles.

The exhaust is much quieter at the top end, but is nice and growly (is that a word?)

It was measured at 92db so track days are one step closer

So keep it up! It IS worth it...

stevegough - 22/8/09 at 08:48 PM

Chill out rich! My kit car build has taken a back seat to building the pond!!! -[ which will be finished in the next two weeks anyway ]- We have to do what we have to do.... and your house won't take forever!

I still haven't got my wheels on yet, but whenever it rains, I can't do the pond and so I catch a couple of hours in the garage....

Relax, don't panic - sort the house, mot the kit ( try Old Farm Garage in blackpool 392095 - they are bike mad and mot'd my son's MK indy I told you about. The owner is an old school mate of mine!)

Regards, Steve.

BenB - 22/8/09 at 09:17 PM

Taking a break from the build isn't a crime.... better to take a few weeks breather and then go back with new found enthusiasm than slog on and resent the car.....

These cars are always going to be a work in progress. No sooner has the building finished than the renovation begins!!!

richard thomas - 22/8/09 at 09:31 PM

Cheers lads, trying to think positive...

Steve, nice one, I will give them a ring. Keep meaning to pop over but you know how it is....

rusty nuts - 22/8/09 at 09:52 PM

Know what you mean about the powder coating. Coming off in sheets?. Going to strip mine to the bare chassis and shot blast it this winter.

SPYDER - 22/8/09 at 11:00 PM

Hi there Richard. Our Phoenix build has been all "fits and starts". Or is it "shits and farts".
I digress.
I think we are now on the final big push.
Latest additions are the breather and header tanks, made by Eldon, who definately shits and farts!
Sometimes the littlest of victories can help to build up a head of enthusiasm.
Fuel and water next weekend.

terryroberts - 23/8/09 at 08:19 AM

rich, just get on with it you lightweight. house,car just keep susan happy...!! you never know i might even finish the dolomite!!!!


richard thomas - 23/8/09 at 09:11 AM

Originally posted by terryroberts
rich, just get on with it you lightweight. house,car just keep susan happy...!! you never know i might even finish the dolomite!!!!


Hallo Terry! Didn't know you frequented these pages...

Could be worse - I still remember towing the Dolly through Cardiff.....

Mel, I am thinking of doing exactly the same as you - going for paint next time though.

terryroberts - 23/8/09 at 11:12 AM

chirst man i was on the end off the rope!!!!! bombing along the a48 at 50mph less than 5foot away from you.. got some bike carbs on it now and more bits on the way!! good old fords..

cheers terry