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Viento windscreen suggestions...
DanP - 24/8/09 at 06:56 PM

Can anyone suggest somewhere that I can get hold of a windscreen for a viento or the parts to make one.

I've tried a search on it but the only name that comes up is autobrass - and a google on them suggests they aren't the greatest on service, and luego have just quoted me £450 plus vat which is a little more than I had expected.

I'm happy to fabricate one in SS if necessary but would rather buy one pre made or the parts for it if relatively cheap.


Danozeman - 24/8/09 at 07:31 PM

U2U sent regards screen.

hector - 24/8/09 at 07:31 PM

I gues that price they gave you is for the lot ie side supports/glass and glass surround??, it does seem a lot though.
I bought glass and u channel surround from luego for about £128 (2007) and made the side supports using 5mm ally, it really is easy to do, only extra thing i had to buy was the sealing rubber which sandwiches the screen to the scuttle about £8 from kit car show!
cheers colin

wilkingj - 24/8/09 at 09:02 PM

Autobrass quoted me over £800 for a Viento screen.

You could measure up, and get Robin Hood to sell you the channelling and then make it yourself.

You will need a good bit more than the kits the sell, as the viento is a lot wider than even a Robin Hood.

DanP - 28/8/09 at 07:45 AM

Thanks for the responses guys, looks like I may have to look a little deeper into making one up.


wilkingj - 28/8/09 at 10:22 AM

I have to admit I have been thinking (for over a year now!) about taking a drive up to Robin Hood (GBS) in the Viento and get them to cut up and bend the channelling for me.

I have an original Viento Screen, and this was made by Lolocost (for Luego).
Its not quite wide enough for me!
I want a full width screen, and a little higher as well.
Hence getting a custom one made up.
However, once they have the dimensions, they could churn out several quite easily.