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Top front wishbones
piddy - 26/8/09 at 05:06 PM

I removed my front wishbones (in a bit of hurry) to get them re-powered coated.
I've now received them back and am ready to re-fit them. My question is should the longest tube go towards the front or rear of the car?
Or can someone direct me to the onload manual that used to be available.

Ben_Copeland - 26/8/09 at 05:11 PM

Longest tube at the front. so the upright is angled backwards.

james h - 26/8/09 at 05:29 PM

Yup, you will want the most castor so as above

tomgregory2000 - 26/8/09 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
Longest tube at the front. so the upright is angled backwards.

That sounds right

piddy - 26/8/09 at 05:35 PM

Thanks chaps. I thought that was the way but didn't want to mess about to much and damage the new powder coat.

tomprescott - 26/8/09 at 05:57 PM

By the way, you can see on your avatar that you had the longest tube at the front before!

rusty nuts - 26/8/09 at 06:50 PM

What, Luego powder coating falling off? I don't believe it!