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Velocity chassis and book chassis, are they the same?
Steve Lovelock - 18/10/09 at 01:46 PM

As the title says, does anybody know if the dimensions for the Luego Velocity chassis are the same as the book chassis?


rusty nuts - 18/10/09 at 01:51 PM

IIRC the Luego Locost IRS chassis is based on the book apart from the rear end . The Velocity is the same although the wishbones are probably different due to being Sierra based? Matt at Casarva on ebay would know for sure.

mistergrumpy - 18/10/09 at 03:01 PM

The two chassis are around the same though if you're thinking of using the Velocity bodywork, as I did, just be aware that the Velocity scuttle overhangs the book chassis very slightly. Not enough to really catch the eye unless you're an SVA/IVA inspector. Mine failed on this so I just placed some tadpole trim under and it was fine.