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Distance btw steer column and chassis (velocity)
Findlay234 - 28/10/09 at 06:17 PM

Just before the steering column reaches the rack it goes past a vertical chassis tube. Now in my car with the rack pushed over to left as far as possible and the steering wheel over to the right (to pivot through the UJ) the colimn comes within millimetres of the tube... were talking about 3mm from the chassis tube.... ive reduced the cross section of the column shaft in order to increase the gap but its still tight. It doesnt connect but im thinking that the IVA tester isnt going to like it... could i have a duff velocity chassis?? whats everyone elses gap like? my chassis is quite possibly luego's first IRS chassis that they produced but i cant see the front being much different to their old locosts.....

your distances please....


nib1980 - 28/10/09 at 06:53 PM

sounds similar to mine, mine is about 6mm, but i have a stuart taylor chassis, still doesn;t give me enough room for the alternator on my 4age!

rusty nuts - 28/10/09 at 08:17 PM

A lot depends on which Sierra the lower steering column came from as there are at least 3 different types . My first column had to be replaced due to hitting the chassis in the same place as yours. IIRC I ended up fitting a non P.A.S. column. Alternative could be a column from someone like Rally Design or Car Builders Solutions?

wicket - 28/10/09 at 10:05 PM

Mines less than 2mm and passed no problem

Project7 - 29/10/09 at 09:16 AM

Very little clearance on mine too, SVA man didnt say anything.