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Seats - How wide ??
Andybarbet - 16/7/04 at 04:39 PM

I am looking at getting a Velocity XT and would like to know the width from tunnel to sides as i was wondering what is the widest seat that will fit in ?

Anyone got their tape measure handy ?


Findlay234 - 16/7/04 at 04:57 PM

from memory 17.5 or 18 inches........

Andybarbet - 17/7/04 at 10:48 AM

Well my seats are 18.5" but sounds like i could possibly squeeze em in ?? Sides are padded and they are very tasty !!!


Gazza - 15/8/04 at 06:41 PM

I've gone for the Westfield Racing Seats - fit a treat - but you can't have a fat ass or you don't fit in them!!!