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Fixed my car - back on the road.
stevegough - 24/5/11 at 02:28 PM

Hi, fellow Luegians - a quick update on my car's status,

You may recall I had a problem just after Stoneleigh where the throttle stuck wide open, and I ended up blowing my engine.
I have now replaced it with another one (from sevaun on LCB) - I got it running and did a quick mile or two last tuesday - 17th, but the sump was weeping oil from several places (pinholes in the welding) and the front oil seal was 'pssing out' loads more.

So, I've now got my old sump back on and a new oil seal on the front of the crankshaft, and the car is back on the road - I must say how much I've missed driving it! I've also bent the accelerator pedal back a bit - don't want to do it again

3 pics...

Out with the old....

Whoops....hole hidden behind engine mount....

And in with the new one...

adithorp - 24/5/11 at 03:40 PM

Nice one!
I could have told you cutting a lump out o the block wasn't a good way to save weight.
Are you going to pop over a week on Sat? Or don't you trust it anymore?

jollygreengiant - 24/5/11 at 05:15 PM

Good one, glad to hear you are back on the road.

rusty nuts - 24/5/11 at 06:44 PM

Glad you got it sorted Steve.

stevegough - 27/5/11 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Nice one!
I could have told you cutting a lump out o the block wasn't a good way to save weight.
Are you going to pop over a week on Sat? Or don't you trust it anymore?

a week on sat is the 4th june? No can do - I'm on nights. 2nd july - days! - Doh! 6th aug - I'm free! mr humphries! But I'll probably be fitting my 3rd engine by then!