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BMW throttle body X2?
SteveWallace - 7/8/11 at 09:16 PM

This might well be a really dumb question, but here goes anyway....

The 2.8 straight 6 BMW engine that I am fitting to the Viento appears to have two throttle bodies (or at least one proper one and an additional butterfly valve). The outer valve body is turned through 45 degrees and is sprung so that the butterfly valve is open, plus it has a position sensor on it. This is shown in the first picture below.

The second one is the normal throttle body and matches the pictures in my Haynes manual. This is shown in the second picture with the first one removed. The only thing that I can think of is that the previous owner used the outer valve body just to turn the air intake through 45 degrees and therefore sprung the butterfly valve open so that it didn't get in the way. I could really do without it as the position sensor is the highest bit on the engine.

Have I missed something or has the previous owner done something strange? Any advice appreciated...


PS - trial fitted engine today and managed to get it 3 inches further back than in my previous posts. Everythings now measured up to get the engine and gearbox mounts cut and welded.



rodgling - 7/8/11 at 09:26 PM

The second one is the traction control (ASC?) throttle body - it's driven by a solenoid to restrict power to aid traction. I suggest removing it.

andyw7de - 7/8/11 at 09:27 PM

From what i know (and thats not much) the second part has somthing to do with ASC which wasnt fitted to all cars. I had it on mine and due to the height thing it was difficult to get strut braces to fit.
That being said im not sure if you can do away with it as you wouldnt have any need for ASC on your car unless your using the BMW diff on your car.

Try asking on forums like you might find the answer as to whether or not you can just discard it

hope this helps
