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It moves (first time out of garage)...
SteveWallace - 16/9/12 at 08:53 AM

... when I push it. Ok, it only moves when I push it, but it was such a nice day yesterday, I thought that I would put the wheels on, get the Viento off its stands and out of the garage. Much to my relief, it rolls, steers and stops without any important bits falling off. The next step is to do some adjustments to the bonnet shut lines now that I have the aero catches on and then its on to the electrics.

By the way, before anyone points it out, I know that the tread patters on the rear wheels are the wrong way around. In my excitement, I put the wheels on the wrong sides.

Feels like I've made some real progress - looks like a real car now and much meaner now that its at the right height.

[img] first time out of garage
first time out of garage

[img] car on wheels 2
car on wheels 2

[img] car on wheels 3
car on wheels 3

coozer - 16/9/12 at 09:43 AM

Looks nice

Confused but excited. - 16/9/12 at 10:44 AM

You have to love the proportions and size of the Viento, it looks a beast. In the nicest possible way, of course .

Now I want a chrome roll bar.

NeilP - 17/9/12 at 09:36 PM

Nice one Steve - Looking v. good.


P.s. That's the most relaxed L will ever look in that!