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left-hand builders?
marsattack - 22/1/05 at 09:15 AM

Hi, i would like to know if there are other "left-hand" Luego builders around.
I'm located in Italy, and I'm interersted on know where you got the kit, prices for shipping, info about SVA, problems ... anything useful for have fun whithout waste a fortune in €€€€€.

In the Viento pricelist, i saw an "hardtop" option, but no pic. Anybody have a pic of this?


[Edited on 22/1/05 by marsattack]

tks - 24/1/05 at 01:25 PM

soow also left hand built,

what the prices are from SVA i have no idea...

in spain you need to pass the homologation and they weren't very kind full to giv eme info

The start price = 1000 Euro here.(680pounds...)

and then they asume every hour spending on you desgin etc...

soow i just build my car, i know its possible to pass it soow i just go for it.


DarrenW - 24/1/05 at 03:30 PM

Im right handed but im sure the cars could be built easily by left-hand people