I am in the process of thinking about getting all the parts required to do an engine change over next winter.
I was thinking of going the Zetec route but I have a small (no call that a big) hankering for a bike engine.
Has anyone on here either fitted or replaced an engine with a bike engine in a Velocity XT as my chassis has a diagonal brace coming from the
scuttle/battery tray. This brace seems to be where the rear end of the bike engine is on most other bike engined cars.
I was wondering if any one has some pics of a bike instaltion in a Velocity.
Also what parts do I need for a complete bike engine transplant?
You gonna need a new 2 peice prop which will need a centre bearinlding in the tunnel, new side panel for exhaust to come out of new bonnet if you have
already got hole in it, will maybe need to change rear diff depending on what you currently got most try and go as low as possible ie 3.54 , the
diagonal bar will probably need chopping out again depending on what engine you go for, engine cradle designing, new exhaust, gear linkage system and
the list goes on but ive drawn a blank at that at the mo.
Do a search you will find loads of threads on it.