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Windsceen brackets
Byrepower - 12/5/06 at 07:38 PM

Hi all...need some help ! I need a couple of windsceern mounting brackets for a velocity and have just heard about the demise of luego so ordering is out of the question at the moment.Is it possible for anyone who has a mounting not fitted yet could e-mail me a drawing of said brackets with dimmensions on so I can make them myself.

thanks very much

p.s. any thoughts on the rubber gasket between the screen and the bulkhead ??

blockhead_rich - 13/5/06 at 06:29 AM

I have a spare set of Ali ones if you are interested. Never been used.

piddy - 13/5/06 at 08:24 PM

Do you still need the drawings????

Byrepower - 14/5/06 at 04:22 PM

Thanks piddy but I think rich has a spare set that he is going to sell me.