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Gold pedal box
rickys2000 - 24/4/07 at 08:09 PM

I have just bought an ADR Engineering pedal assembly, (same as the one on show at Deitling) and intend to sell the original gold pedal box that came with my Viento. It is totally unused and and would come with the accelerator parts aswell, but without the master cylinders.

So, if I do decide to sell it, how much should I be asking for??


Fatgadget - 24/4/07 at 08:22 PM

Must be worth it's weight in gold..sorry couldn't resist!

rickys2000 - 24/4/07 at 08:37 PM

If only...............

COREdevelopments - 25/4/07 at 08:31 AM

matt who used to have luego now sells the pedal boxes and other parts on ebay.
think he sells them for 65quid BIN plus postage.
