1st was taking it off the axle stands
2nd was getting the engine in and fired up
3rd, my seats arrived today. Looks like a drivable car now. Just need to fix em now!
All great moments
Another would be getting some pics in your archive
Originally posted by Simon
All great moments
Another would be getting some pics in your archive
Done 1 and 3 but still need to do 2
still planning sva this summer
just sent off forms for SVA, plan on taking time off work once a date comes through from VOSA.
Tha'll get it done
Let's hope it's not next week then
Did 2 - that was the sweetest moment. It was sweeter still the second time round (with the engine that actualy moved some oil...)
Then did 1 and let her sunbathe for a bit and receive the admiration of my neigbours
Did 3 and have half of the seats fitted... And yes, it looks nearly like a real car. That is when the frustration kicks in and you just want to blat
it round the block....
All great feelings indeed and make the months of pain and frustration feel almost worth it.
I am now working on #4 - sending SVA paperwork in, but I am getting that knot in stomach feeling.... am I ready enough to book it? But only one way
to find out, boot SVA and get stuck into the rest