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Different Types of Transit Drag Links?
saigonij - 8/7/07 at 08:17 AM


I have a velocity XT. The camber adjusters which have the correct m18 x 1.5 thread screw in to the top wish bones fine...

However, the front camber adjusters - the transit drag links dont screw in well at all - even a m18 1.5 nut does not screw on well - where i have been able to screw the nut down the drag link thread - its altered the profile of the thread on the drag link....

Is there more than one type of transit drag link???

Has anyone else experienced this before?

iceman26 - 8/7/07 at 08:28 AM

had the same problem
got a spark plug chaser from machine mart
and cleaned the threads up with it

saigonij - 8/7/07 at 08:48 AM

what did you clean the threads of? the drag link or the wishbones - i am borrowing a tap and i have cleaned the wishbone thread - it just seems that as i wind the m18 1.5 nut on, its altering the thread on the drag link - its almost like its pushing the tip of the thread over.

rusty nuts - 8/7/07 at 08:54 AM

Probably worth using the search facility as I'm sure this has been covered several times!

saigonij - 8/7/07 at 09:02 AM

yea, did that first. there are lots of threads about m20 and m18, TRE and Drag link ends, but no one seems to have come across a problem where they screw in, but are tight and they alter the thread on the drag link.

rusty nuts - 8/7/07 at 09:26 AM

Just found it under Transit ball joint. Would put in link but I'm a computer Numpty

saigonij - 8/7/07 at 09:37 AM

copy and paste the address in to t reply please so i can see it. All the ones i searched for do not talk about damaging the thread of the drag link while screwing it in to the wishbone.