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Getting Closer / YES. YES YES.
jollygreengiant - 18/7/07 at 05:29 PM

Well time is definitely getting closer. The 5 year old Bosch Battery off my granada is at last showing signs of accepting a charge from the charger. Its only been chugging away at it for 3 days now.

But the up side is that I connected it (the battery) to the car today, for the FIRST time. What is that irritating buzzing I said as the earth connection went on. Ok switch off the hazard warning light switch (no indicators connected yet, so the relay was going mental operating the tell tale in the switch).

Good sign, no sparking as reconnected the earth. Better sign no overheating of the power cables when the battery booster pack was applied.

Better Still was when I turned the ignition key and the fuel pump fired up momentarily like it was meant to with the EFI.

Turned the key in the ignition fully and the engine cranked over, albeit not very fast. Possible slight timing issue. Also had a check on the battery booster pack and it needs recharging.

So in the best tradition of Motor Mech I'm now going to go off and have some food and several glasses of wine and I might have another try later.

The beer might come later when it starts.

[Edited on 18/7/07 by jollygreengiant]

[Edited on 18/7/07 by jollygreengiant]

Paul (Notts) - 18/7/07 at 05:50 PM

Had a bad day at work today so when I got home I spent 10 mins on the drive way revving the engine. Cheered me up a lot....

Nothing better than It statring up and the thought of driving it soon.


oadamo - 18/7/07 at 06:07 PM

get it on vid of the first start

NeilP - 18/7/07 at 06:10 PM

Second that - You MUST get it on vid

Oooh the excitement - In time for Donny perchance?...

Paul (Notts) - 18/7/07 at 06:14 PM

I had an audience for my first start up..

Cranked it over a few times but nothing ……

Was starting to give up when I remembered the fuel pump connection had been removed. Reconnected this and started first time


jollygreengiant - 18/7/07 at 07:08 PM

19:35 approx the first heart beat was recorded. Doctors have pronounced it A RUNNER.
You tube link to follow.

rusty nuts - 18/7/07 at 07:43 PM

Bet that the mother in law happy!! moving it under it's own power is the next big step.

NeilP - 18/7/07 at 07:43 PM

You beauty!!!!!

Well done Clive - Got the completion bug?...

jollygreengiant - 18/7/07 at 07:58 PM

She was seen to look out the window. Quote from mother-in-law a few moments later when I went upstairs for a call of nature.

" I'm not deaf, I did hear that.!"

All the neighbours from about 10 doors away stuck their heads out and had a look.

oadamo - 18/7/07 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
She was seen to look out the window. Quote from mother-in-law a few moments later when I went upstairs for a call of nature.

" I'm not deaf, I did hear that.!"

All the neighbours from about 10 doors away stuck their heads out and had a look.

yeh baby give it some stick lol.

jollygreengiant - 18/7/07 at 08:10 PM

here we go First Start


I did.

[Edited on 18/7/07 by jollygreengiant]

Fozzie - 18/7/07 at 08:23 PM


You will never ever forget the day it first breathed into life........

A lot of the build fades into the memory, the first 'fire-up' stays, a major corner turned!
That light at the end of the tunnel, starts glowing brighter!


oadamo - 18/7/07 at 08:24 PM

sounds sweet. liking the flames i bet you cant wait to get it on the road now.

jollygreengiant - 18/7/07 at 08:30 PM

No PROBLEM, just cheap stuff to go now.
Fuel tank
Seat belts
Wheel Rims

At least the tax man is happy now for 6 months.

Sure does give you a buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I shall have to have a glass of Glenfidich to celebrate.

RichardK - 18/7/07 at 08:31 PM

top banana!

Hopefully that'll be me in a month or so.



mark-wiring - 18/7/07 at 08:33 PM

At last you can start your own engine and draw a crowd now pmsl

Glad to see its getting there

richard thomas - 18/7/07 at 08:35 PM

A beautifull moment....well done, Clive!

Marlon - 18/7/07 at 08:38 PM

Congrats, That sounds bloody lovely!!!


saigonij - 18/7/07 at 09:17 PM

wicked!!! that made us cheer!!!

Danozeman - 18/7/07 at 09:22 PM

Welldone mate. Sounds nice you should leave it like that!!!

I didnt film my first start up. Wish i had!!! It was about 11 o clock at night with no exhaust.

bigrich - 18/7/07 at 10:20 PM

good job mate and forever on film nice

DavidM - 18/7/07 at 10:44 PM

Well done Clive.

Nice shorts!


NeilP - 18/7/07 at 10:59 PM

OMG indeed!

You're going to have such a giggle in that...

Well done Clive.

Paradoxia0 - 19/7/07 at 05:48 PM

Nice one Clive!

Brings a tear to my eye remembering my first startup (on the first engine )

Things tend to move much quicker from this point forward...


perci - 20/7/07 at 06:22 PM

Well done clive! wont be long now? soon have two viento,s around town? just hope this bl***y weather improves!
see you soon, becky & pete.