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Gearbox mount - what to use?
ChrisW - 8/9/03 at 07:41 PM

What mounts have you lot all used for your gearboxes? I'm using a type 9 box which obviously needs a rubber mount of some description between it and the mounting plate. Any suggestions or should I give Grant a call?


bob - 8/9/03 at 09:05 PM

What about the one that usualy goes on a type 9,i drilled mine out of the original VERY large housing and bolted it straight in.

ChrisW - 8/9/03 at 09:49 PM

I'll investigate but I was thinking of something a bit smaller!

The Luego chassis already has the plate there for the gearbox to sit on whereas I thought the Indy used the Sierra gearbox mount complete with the steel cross member bit?


tobygee - 8/9/03 at 09:54 PM

i used the mounting off of the gearbox type 9 and once i knew where i wanted it cut out the inside shape of the plate (whith rubber on it) and mounted on top of chassis plate!!

tobygee - 8/9/03 at 09:57 PM

IE cut that shape out of the chassis plate and put the rubber mount with plate in/on it, drill the holes and bolt it!!

Northy - 9/9/03 at 06:53 AM

I've found the original Sierra mount a bit on the soft side

bob - 9/9/03 at 07:37 AM

You can get a stiffer mount from westfield for the type 9 for about 12 quid.

the sierra mount will fit yours,just a case of drilling out the centre plate.
I think you'll find a pic on my archive,if not pop round and have a look.

ChrisW - 12/9/03 at 10:11 PM

Couldn't see how it comes apart on the one I've got but maybe it's different. Needs to be about 10mm thick as I'm pushed for space in there already.


James - 15/9/03 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
as I'm pushed for space in there already.


Yeah, I can see how space would be a problem in a Viento!


ChrisW - 16/9/03 at 11:47 AM

It's perhaps too much space that's the problem. My engine is too short to clear the bulkhead :s

Anyway, I picked up an unknown rubber mount at Donny show which I'm hoping will do the trick.
