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How do I get in contact with Luego?
Jonas - 7/12/07 at 07:32 AM

Anyboby have a email address to Luego?
Ive been emailing them at their "info@" address but I dont get any answers.
Are they in business?
Prefer using email instead of phone as Im in Sweden.

neilj37 - 7/12/07 at 08:21 AM

Yes Luego are still in business and Ben has his workshop just up the road from me. If you U2U me your email details I'll pass them on to Ben when I next pass the workshop.

wilkingj - 7/12/07 at 08:58 AM

Their website has all the details in the contacts section

Jonas - 7/12/07 at 09:43 AM

I got their contact details, but I dont get any answers to my emails.
Thought maybe somebody had a email address to a person at Lugeo (instead of the "info" address).

zilspeed - 7/12/07 at 10:46 AM

Does that not put you off doing business ?

This is pre sales after all, you know that bit where you butter up the customer to entice them into spending money, not the post sales, got their money, stop being a nuisance bit.

Cubby - 7/12/07 at 11:19 AM

In Ben's defence I've emailed him 3 times in the last 6weeks and had very prompt and helpful replies on each occasion.

I only used their website contact page .

wilkingj - 7/12/07 at 11:37 AM

Err.. the linnk I posted had their phone number as well.

Jonas - 7/12/07 at 12:06 PM

Err..."Prefer using email instead of phone as Im in Sweden."

Jonas - 7/12/07 at 01:31 PM

Got a reply from Ben now!