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Confused Missus!!!
ANDY P - 24/10/03 at 02:55 PM

I want to get Andy the basics for a Velocity for Xmas but don't know where to start.. If I leave the donor car for him to sort out, what "packs" do I need from Luego to at least get a car that can be driven.... Unfortunately I don't have an endless pot of cash!!!

Please help.!!!


GO - 24/10/03 at 03:16 PM

Hi Elaine,

If you look at the velocity link on luego's website, packs 1, 2, 4 and 10 will get it driving and stopping.

Basically what you'll need are:

suspension components
steering components
fuel tank, fuel lines

and I think that'll do the trick!

Andy is a v lucky boy!!


ANDY P - 24/10/03 at 03:36 PM

Many Thanks Graham.

It's much clearer now.
