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Velocity/ Stalks
Cubby - 24/4/08 at 07:21 PM

Hi hope someone can come to my rescue. Have done some searches and found some info on how to wire up the sierra stalks using the Luego relay pack but I'm still confused and nothing works at all.
I get no outputs from the switches.

Can anyone give me any info on how they've wired up theirs.

What are the 2 spade terminals on the top of the light/wipers multisocket for? Rescued attachment DSC01458.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC01458.JPG

mistergrumpy - 24/4/08 at 07:44 PM

I wonder if it's because you haven't connected a fixed and a switched +ve to the right hand stalk? Incidentall the spade terminals on the top of the right stalk are labelled as '31 brown flying lead to earth'

Cubby - 24/4/08 at 07:59 PM

switches Rescued attachment DSC01445.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC01445.JPG

Cubby - 24/4/08 at 08:00 PM

switch2 Rescued attachment DSC01450.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC01450.JPG

blockhead_rich - 24/4/08 at 08:19 PM

This old problem again. I had it on mine too! Problem turned out to be due to the switch gear being positive earth switching and the stalks being designed for negatve earth switching (or vice versa can't remember which way round it was now). Anyway there are two versions of the sierra stalks. I had to wire up my relays differently to the luego relay loom before I got mine to work correctly. Good luck anyway. It just takes a bit of time and a few beers I found!!!
