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luego velocity body panels on ebay
andrew-theasby - 23/5/08 at 10:54 PM

sorry if this should be in the for sale section, couldnt decide EBAY LINK ETDWM
PS, dave bailey please get in touch if you can if your still interested.

[Edited on 23/5/08 by andrew-theasby]

mistergrumpy - 23/5/08 at 10:55 PM

Just been reading that. What's that about not being able to get Velocity panels anymore?

andrew-theasby - 23/5/08 at 10:57 PM

Aparantely the guy who bought the scuttle off me said you could no longer buy them from luego, but there was another company making them now but they wanted £175 i think he said for the scuttle

mistergrumpy - 23/5/08 at 11:03 PM

I think it's the fact that Luego or what Luego is i.e. Ben Lord and his sidekick don't make the stuff and seem to just sub everything out. My stuff is from 3 different companies yet all bought through Luego. So I'm sure it's still available, you had me worried then in case summat of mine breaks or what not.

andrew-theasby - 23/5/08 at 11:07 PM

OK i see thanks.

jollygreengiant - 24/5/08 at 08:01 AM

Luego (in all its original forms) never made the panels them selves any way, so I think that the new Luego is just being a bit more honest about the sub-ing out.

Danozeman - 24/5/08 at 09:13 AM

Im half tempted buy that bonnet, Shame i cant get up to you to get it in the near future. Ill look into cost for couriers.

motivation cars - 24/5/08 at 12:20 PM

the panels are made buy luego

saigonij - 24/5/08 at 11:53 PM

all the fiberglass panels are made by joe ( above ) now - i think they had their fair share of let downs so decided to do it inhouse - the quality is meant to be very good - better than before.

ali panels are obp

rusty nuts - 25/5/08 at 09:28 AM

- the quality is meant to be very good - better than before.

They could hardly be much worse than my "old" Luego panels although most of the Velocity panels I've seen don't look bad . Nice to know things are getting better , keep it up .

andrew-theasby - 25/5/08 at 07:07 PM

Just the nose left now. Dont, know whether these are classed as old or new supplier, but i was impressed with the quality who ever made them