Whilst at the SVA test centre last week the car was weighed and the tester said that it was 480kg. I know I have no interior trim, windscreen etc but I do have a Vauxhall 16V redtop in there and so that sounds incorrect to me. Any views?
I'd be tempted to say there was something wedged under the scales at the centre preventing it from going down any further, but then I'm a
bitchy BEC owner so I need something (like light weight!) to cling to!!!
SVA weights aren't properly accurate as they weigh one axle at a time and the car tips a bit. It is best to go to a proper weighbridge and weigh
the car on calibrated equipment.
The problem with weighbridges is that they're designed to weigh lorries in tonnes, so your car will be weighed in intervals of 10kg, so accurate
but not precise.
Sounds very light. My Pinto Indy was over 600kg's
Sounds a bit light to me.
My Indy was 625 kg with a screen (weighed on a proper scale)
My bec rush was near 800kg at the SVA.
I guess nearly 300Kg out.
Even the examiner was shocked at result.
Big error.
Did you inflate the tyres with helium?
My Velocity with a 4AGE and no screen, stripped interior, lightweight calipers etc and very little in the way of luxuries weighs in at 630kgs
I've been told the Velocity has a very heavy chassis so getting it much lighter will be difficult.
I had my 2.0 pinto indy on the freshly calibrated weighbridge at work and it came out at 560kg,
480kg does seem a bit light for a CEC
My Luego Locost, similar chassis bodywork etc. to a Velocity, weighed 612kg at SVA
Blimey , another Luego Locost on the road. Was beginning to think mine was the only one which weighed in at 650kgs with a full tank and screen but has since been on a diet.