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My Velocity turbo
FlansS14 - 6/7/08 at 02:03 PM

Well with all these viento's about i thought i post up some pics of my Velocity to even it out a little
so i got the crane out and lifted it out! and you thought it was hard to get your cars out.. lol

just had the bodywork painted up aswell so soon to be fitting all that, plus today i finished my dash which was harder than i thought

Not far off

finlay - 6/7/08 at 02:08 PM

you can just tell this car is gonna be cool when its finished


repper - 6/7/08 at 02:09 PM

looking good so far i like the modes you have done to the body work keep it up

bigrich - 6/7/08 at 02:11 PM

Really nice mate, should be a stunner

Paul TigerB6 - 6/7/08 at 02:16 PM

Some little scrote stole your wheels half way through your pics!!!! Cant leave anything around can you - not even for a second!!!

Looks really cool anyway - another white car. Its really starting to grow on me now!! Might even reconsider the colour of my own car when i get to build it.

indykid - 6/7/08 at 02:22 PM

looks good!

what's the seemingly redundant stub on top of what appears to be the chargecooler?


jollygreengiant - 6/7/08 at 02:57 PM

That is looking very nice indeed. It will be quite a looker when you turn up with it at one of the shows and display it with all the others that we will have on display.

How soon do you think it will be before you get it on the road then?

FlansS14 - 6/7/08 at 03:38 PM

Thanks for the comments, i actually "scratched" the alloys getting it out so decided to give them a makeover ;

as for the stub, the chargecooler had a tank built in and thats where you fill it from,

should be on the road in 4-6weeks..... i hope

FlansS14 - 4/8/08 at 03:53 PM

... almost on the road I need some sort of aero screen as its a bit blowy

Doofus - 5/8/08 at 01:22 PM

Is that Luego's locost bodywork?

Looks the business


FlansS14 - 5/8/08 at 02:27 PM

Thats the one didn't like the high bodywork tbh