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Hello everyone!
Numb nuts - 13/9/08 at 08:23 PM

Hi everyone
I have just registered and feel like a virgin (trying to loose it all those years ago was a night mare)!
I am new at this game so take it easy...please.
Having bought a Velocity with 1800 zetec and awaiting its delivery I am on tender hooks to say the least. I am sure I will be using the site to find the 'experts' amongst the membership to answer my many questions.
Looking forward to getting to know you all

Dangle_kt - 13/9/08 at 08:24 PM

hi pal.


Mines a guinness.

l0rd - 13/9/08 at 08:24 PM

Welcome to the Forum. I am sure you will have a lot of help here as i do.


eznfrank - 13/9/08 at 08:28 PM

hi mate, you'll find no end of help on here, some top folk, oh and a few nutters too

coozer - 13/9/08 at 08:33 PM

You've come to the right place and I suspect your thinking about the ins ad outs of the car your buying??

This is the right place, where you can query, ask questions, vent, and socialise. Don't be afraid to ask, looking at the car.. say to to yourself "how does that bit fit?? then post on here asking the same without taxing your brain. You will get the answer.

Welcome, enjoy

Numb nuts - 13/9/08 at 08:35 PM

sounds good to me good folk and nutters always a good balance. Depending on what the doctor (bar staff) prescribed I often fall into any camp!

splitrivet - 13/9/08 at 08:44 PM

Hey up spud.

[Edited on 13/9/08 by splitrivet]

stuart_g - 13/9/08 at 08:58 PM

Welcome Numb Nuts,

You've come to the right place, there are some very helpful and knowledgeable people on here.

Hope the car is ok when you get it.
There is a meet at the Park Hotel in Diss tomorrow if you can make it 11:00am onwards usually a good gathering. Not sure if I'll be able to make this one though.


speedyxjs - 14/9/08 at 07:19 AM

Welcome to the mad house

Ivan - 14/9/08 at 07:45 AM

Welcome - always nice to see new blood entering the forum.

wilkingj - 14/9/08 at 09:47 AM

Welcome... Its Mad, but there is LOADS of help available on here.

Try the Search facility, as most has been done to death on here before.
Dont be afraid to ask. you will usually get fairly quick answers as well.

All good stuff...

Cheers mate.

russbost - 14/9/08 at 10:28 AM

Second all of the above - welcome

NeilP - 14/9/08 at 02:35 PM

Most welcome - See next post for details of madness...

jollygreengiant - 14/9/08 at 04:22 PM

A double welcome to you young man. Welcome to the Locostbuilders forum and most of all welcome to the Luego Owners Club. I'm sure that you will find all the assistance you require.

Oh by the way I try and keep all the Luego Owners club members in some sort of order (usually failing miserably). You will find there are a few rules that come with being a member of the Luego Owners Club. Attendance at the shows is almost mandatory (whether your car is finished or not) excuses for absence can be given in advance but they must be in triplicate and counter signed by your great, great, great great , great grandmother.
Oh that reminds me Geoff Wilking where is yours for the weekend just gone?
The rest of it we just kind of make as we go along. So ...........


JGG (aka Clive)

[Edited on 14/9/08 by jollygreengiant]

Andybarbet - 14/9/08 at 06:25 PM

Another velocity man, great stuff, i'm beginning to think the viento's are outnumbering us.......

If you look on here, piddy is located in norfolk, he runs a kitcar meet up there & has built a really nice velocity.

Regards Andy

Numb nuts - 14/9/08 at 08:00 PM

Hi guys
Thanks for the warm welcome.

It's a shame I didn't find out about the meet in Diss earlier today, I would have given it a this a regular meet?

Does anyone set up track days?

rusty nuts - 15/9/08 at 08:15 PM

Welcome to the club. Are we related?