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HELP sqealing tyres
Numb nuts - 22/9/08 at 07:49 PM

Having taken delivery of the Velocity XT on Saturday, taxed and insured it today and took it out tonight and it's great!!...apart from the fact that the front tyres sqeal over certain surfaces, the steering feels quite heavy and the tyres show evidence of feathering across the entire width.
I suspect the geometry needs setting up. Does anyone have the facts and figures I need to get this set up PLEASE?

Paul TigerB6 - 22/9/08 at 07:52 PM

Spray 'em with WD40 - that'll stop 'em squealing!!

Sorry - thats my daily dumb answer for the day

You'll be wanting the ride height front and rear, as well as camber and toe figures though

[Edited on 22/9/08 by Paul TigerB6]

zetec7 - 23/9/08 at 05:24 AM

If they squeal at low speeds only, it usually means your Ackerman angle is set up wrong. See if the steering rack is adjustable fore and aft. If it is, a slight move one way or the other should make a difference. One way will make it worse, the other will cure it....

wilkingj - 27/9/08 at 09:44 AM

Who set up the steering / suspension?
ie has it just been assembled and not set up?

What tyre pressures have you got them set at? (front and rear?)

You can always run it into a tyre service, most will check the tracking for free.
They usually charge to adjust.

They usually cant check the caster, and only some places can check the camber.

[Edited on 27/9/2008 by wilkingj]

rusty nuts - 27/9/08 at 10:43 AM

Might pay to start with as much castor as you can get on the Luego chassis (probably about 3 to 4 degrees if your lucky) 0.5 to 1 degree negative camber and a couple of mm toe in . Ride height and corner weights can also have a large effect . If the steering is too heavy try jacking the car up and disconnecting the track rod ends each side , rotate wheel side to side checking for tight spots then turn each hub side to side , again checking for tight spots. Had a problem with stiff steering on mine which turned out to be a partially siezed bottom ball joint (Maxi) Replace both of them and steering is now light.

Numb nuts - 7/10/08 at 07:22 PM

Thanks everyone, I spent the week end sorting out the suspension and geometry that the previous owner had left it with.
The toe in was reduced from nearly 25mm toe in.
The castor angle had been set neutral on the offside and lord knows what on the nearside!
It had positive camber on the offside and negative on the nearside!!
The springs were completely out of balance accross the axles.
The ride height at the front about 5" and the rear so low the wheels must have been close to scrubbing inside the rear aches.
The shocks had been completely wound off leaving no compression damping

Needless to say having taken everyones advice...well nearly, and the advice from Luego the car has been transformed

Oh what are the recommended tyre pressures for the velocity on 195-50-15's?

Thanks again everyone. Steve

rusty nuts - 7/10/08 at 07:28 PM

I'm running 16PSI front and rear on my Luego Locost with the same size tyres Seems to work for me.