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Fire extinguishers
iscmatt - 17/3/07 at 12:00 PM

is it acceptable for an extinguisher to be placed between the seats for sva or shall i just do this afterwards to save hassel?

the extinguisher is like one of these but without the pressure dial. Its form motor worldCLICKY

russbost - 17/3/07 at 12:17 PM

You don't need fire extinguisher for SVA so I would put it in afterwards just in case there is a sharp edge somewhere on it - unless of course you can use it to cover a sharp edge or remove access to a sharp edge.

PeterW - 17/3/07 at 12:17 PM

Please god don't tell me you paid that for it...!!

Decent foam/afff extinguishers can be had for around £17 each



nitram38 - 17/3/07 at 12:51 PM

There is a 170mm projection exclusion zone from your floor pan according to Michael at the Mitcham SVA.
Anything below this height is excluded.

grahamgg - 17/3/07 at 01:09 PM

some really nice ones at burton power


really cheap and compact

BenB - 17/3/07 at 01:24 PM

I'd leave it off as already said.
The SVA man won't ignore a potential fail point just because there's an extinguisher (which admittedly is a very good idea) so unless the extinguisher is covering a sharp edge or something leave it off until after SVA!!!

theconrodkid - 17/3/07 at 02:40 PM

lidl about £7

iscmatt - 17/3/07 at 05:52 PM

Hi mine £14 i was locost about it!!

Please god don't tell me you paid that for it...!!

Decent foam/afff extinguishers can be had for around £17 each




grahamgg thats the one i have CLICK ME

ben and russ

i think i'll take your advice and leave it until afterwards!


i could put it under/just infront of the passenger seat but i'll leave it until after sva and put it between the seats - it would be easier to get to if there was an emergency plus it looks nice

Thanks for all you help!! This site is the best and you guys are the ones that make it this way!

auzziejim - 17/3/07 at 07:47 PM

please if you care about the car you spent months/years building DO NOT rely on a cheap handheld fire extinguisher to save it

picture the scene if you will...your driving along all is well, then from under the bonnet you hear a bang next comes the smoke. you hit the brakes but stopping from 60 doesnt happen instantly. once stopped in a blind panic you fumble the harness release as the flames lick from under the bonnet and the grp begins to burn. you grab you handheld extinguisher and desperatly claw at the very hot bonnet catches once the bonnet is released you squirt the contents of the cheap handheld extinguisher in 10 seconds and still the fire rages. you spend the next moments watching your pride and joy burn and all your work come to nothing.

now think if had the forsight to install a 2.25 ltr plumbed in extinguisher. your driving along all is well, then from under the bonnet you hear a bang next comes the smoke. you pull the 't' handle and the flames are extinguished you pull over to the side of the road and have a wet crotch but a car that still survives

for the sake of £100 isnt it worth trying to save your car if the unthinkable happens?

nitram38 - 17/3/07 at 08:05 PM

I have an electrically fired halon 1kg plumbed in extinguisher on my present car (not race legal any more).
For my next car I have just bought a lifeline plumbed in with two pull handles for £74.
I too think that it is a good option.

lsdweb - 17/3/07 at 08:32 PM

I have a 4k litre plumbed in foam system in my sprint / hillclimb car. Lots of people have told me how much weight I could save by removing it. My response is ususally to ask them how many burnt corpses they've seen! Sorry - not very pleasant but I'm sure you get the point!


nitram38 - 17/3/07 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by lsdweb
I have a 4k litre plumbed in foam system in my sprint / hillclimb car. Lots of people have told me how much weight I could save by removing it. My response is ususally to ask them how many burnt corpses they've seen! Sorry - not very pleasant but I'm sure you get the point!


When I used to race, I met quite a few people who had serious burns while racing.

lsdweb - 17/3/07 at 08:52 PM

When I compete, I wear a three layer suit and nomex underwear. I know it's probably over the top but 20+ years of professional water squirting has shown me what can happen when it goes wrong!

It's also very hot when the weather's warm but I work hard at replacing the lost fluids at the end of the event :-)

iscmatt - 19/3/07 at 12:37 PM

I knew someone was going to say something about not buying a cheaper extinguisher. But different people have different requirements and budgets. a cheaper one is better than nothing at all. If the car explodes into flames no matter what size extinguisher you have you'll be 20 ft away (hopefully) before you thought about putting it out yourself!

Thanks for all your input


(ps eek this isn't a dig i'm trying to justify myself )