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Headlight alignment for SVA
mad dad - 14/10/08 at 06:04 PM

Hi there, a friend of mine has an SVA coming up on his Westfield and was wondering if there is any rule re headlight alignment....i used to post on here quite a bit when i had an Indyblade so said i would try and find out so if anyone can help with advice that would be great...hope everyone is ok......Cheers Andy

theconrodkid - 14/10/08 at 06:16 PM

get it near enough,you can adjust it at the test

tomblyth - 14/10/08 at 06:23 PM

headlight angles and directions depend on the position on the car (low and to the left is not good enough any more take it to an MOT station and have it set with there optical!

nitram38 - 14/10/08 at 06:28 PM

I just measured the centres of the lamps (height, distance apart etc) and marked this on a wall in chalk. I shone the lamps on the marks and then adjusted them down about 20mm lower and to left of center, which was close enough.
The sva man adjusted them slightly for me.

simonk - 14/10/08 at 06:34 PM

I pointed mine up a dark lane and adjusted them in by eye. I must have got lucky as they were spot on at SVA and didn't need adjustment


mad dad - 14/10/08 at 07:24 PM

Thanks for the advice........i had a feeling that therre may be some help in this area at the test as its difficult to take it anywhere till you get it legally on the road...unless you trailer it around first of course....Cheers

DarrenW - 15/10/08 at 01:45 PM

Got mine spot on in garage. Similar method to nitram.

Board in front of car set vertical. Marked the centre lines for both lamps. Set main beam up on the crosses. Checked dipped beam dropped and moved to left. SVA man commented how accurate they were.