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Mk2 Escort rear axle...Pro's and Con's
vinnie_b23 - 11/8/09 at 10:15 PM

Im currently building a locost and want to use a mk2 escort solid rear axle. Can anybody give me the advantages and disadvantages of the mk2 axle over using the sierra diff. Obviously i wont have an independent suspension setup if i use the mk2 axle but is this a bad thing?

twybrow - 11/8/09 at 10:21 PM

I have one, and it seems great to me. I guess the downsides include limited supply, limited ratios available, lsd not readily available (aftermarket only really), drum brakes (although I don't see that as an issue). On the plus side, its a light weight setup (believe it or not!), its much easier to setup than IRS, and many prefer the way they handle.

MikeR - 11/8/09 at 10:33 PM

I've gone de-dion .... look through my old posts on it, i weigh a live axle and a de-dion setup.