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Single axle car trailer
Bizarro - 1/7/13 at 07:39 PM

Car trailer for sale.

I bought this from someone on here and used it to while building my MK.

I guess its been home built and is very solidly made. Its recently been rewired and had a coat of hamerite, relatively new tyres.

Bed size: 167cm X 350cm
Toatl width including wheel arches: 220cm
Total length including tow hitch: 440cm

My Indy fitted with about 1" clearance either side of tyres.

Located in Kegworth, Leicestershire. Looking for £275

pre iva
pre iva

daniel mason - 1/7/13 at 07:56 PM

that looks a cracking little trailer for the price and if the indy fits easily then most others should.
bizzle was in the process of buying/building one but having issues so give him a pm!

johnny chimpo - 1/7/13 at 08:21 PM

Looks like a cracking trailer for the money and exactly the kind of thing I am looking for, just a shame you are so far away from me

austin man - 1/7/13 at 09:33 PM

I would have had it but I havent fitted my tow bar to the transporter yet gutted

capri_big_jim - 1/7/13 at 09:36 PM

pm sent..... very very interested

bi22le - 1/7/13 at 09:59 PM

Cheers for your thoughts dan, 3 weeks ago I would of bit your arm off!
Refurbishing my own one now and it will probably cost more than that.

Looks like a good deal for someone.

Trollyjack - 1/7/13 at 10:00 PM

I would have had it but as above no tow ball on car yet

Wheels244 - 1/7/13 at 10:18 PM

U2U sent

2nd in line behind Capri big jim

Bizarro - 2/7/13 at 07:17 AM

Thanks for the positive comments.

capri_big_jim has first dibs and is planning to view on Wednesday, Ill update the post once he's had chance to look at at.

Cheers Nick

daveb666 - 2/7/13 at 08:10 AM

Thanks for the PM bizarro; it's 8cm too wide to get into my garage though. All the best with the sale.

Bizarro - 3/7/13 at 07:24 PM

Trailer now sold to capri_big_jim,

pleasure meeting you Jim, good luck with the build..

capri_big_jim - 3/7/13 at 09:59 PM

Thank you mate, was nice to meet you too.

Thanks for the advice...