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Hello & Odyssey seats and alloy catch tanks for sale
james g - 29/1/14 at 07:53 PM

Firstly an overdue hello and thank you.

I registered on the site a couple of years ago when i was weighing up which kit to buy. I ended up building an MNR with a 2.0 Duratec running on SBD throttle bodies.

All finished now, IVA'd and on the road, and have managed a couple of trackdays at Brands, tho' the car does seem to attract the attention of the noise police.

I dipped into the site a couple of times when I got stuck, usually on electrics, but didn't, and still don't think, I have the expertise of most of the people on hear to help out with techy queries.

A couple of threads helped quite a bit during the build, notably Flakmonkeys duratec build thread and Dan Mason's MNR build. So thanks to those guys and all the other posts that helped/inspired me.

Anyway, i have a couple of bits and pieces left over that might be of interest.

First is a pair of Odyssey I seats - these have been in our dining room since i picked them up from MNR in 2010 so the missus is keen to see them gone.

I also have a 2 litre alloy catch tank and a small header tank up for grabs. Everything is unused/unfitted.

Links to fleabay....... />


daniel mason - 29/1/14 at 09:14 PM

nice seats them! they should sell.