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First go on TIG, looking to buy one now.
Big Stu - 27/3/11 at 04:12 AM


Very quiet night offshore, and whilst in the smokers got on to the subject of welding. I mentioned that I had never tried TIG welding before. So one of the platers set it up for me and gave me a go. I was amazed by the control and how neat you could get the welds. After a few minutes I was getting better welds from this than I have every managed after years on the MIG. So I have decided that I would like to buy on for home. Does anyone have any recommendations of good domestic units they have used.


snakebelly - 27/3/11 at 08:20 AM

i bought this one, very nice reliable R-Tech if the price is a bit rich then the DC only version is half the price, personally i think that the pedal is a worthy addition as well

Neville Jones - 27/3/11 at 11:01 AM

For my work at home, I took a chance on one of the cheapo chinese items, after reading about them on one of the yank welding forums, and the positive responses.

I've got the WSE 200P. Excellent at DC work, and passable with ali work.

The foot pedal makes a world of difference. I made my own, at a fraction of the i'net price, and can give a diagram if you want to go this was.


slingshot2000 - 27/3/11 at 11:08 AM

Hi Nev,
I would be very interested in seeing this, too!

g.gilo - 27/3/11 at 11:22 AM

pedal details as well please?

wilkingj - 27/3/11 at 09:36 PM

I had a Mig, could never weld with it very well.

I had a Play with a Tig under the ever watchful eye of Paul (907) and I fared much better.
I got a 200 Amp DC tig of fleabay for under £200.
A Rehman 200Amp DC only job.
I wouldnt go back to a Mig for anything.

Only downside is the Gas isnt cheap. Pure Argon isnt easy to get in rent free bottles.
Still its a small price to pay for better welding, and something I can actually get one with.

Only regret is not getting an AC / DC job, as I cant do Ally with the DC.

Big Stu - 28/3/11 at 09:26 PM

I read somewhere that with certain types of TIG you could use do plasma cutting, anyone know if this is worth while or not, I have used a plasma cutter several years ago and it was ace but is it worth the extra.