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There has to be a quicker way to burn DVDs!
RazMan - 11/6/07 at 10:31 PM

I have been using Nero but it takes up to 4 hours to transcode and burn an avi file! I used to use WINAVI but it appears to have some issues with Vista.
What do you recommend?

arrybradbury - 11/6/07 at 10:38 PM

The one i use usually takes about the same amount of time.....

Can't remember the name though, am on a different pc atm.

Avoneer - 11/6/07 at 10:40 PM

Buying the originals


RazMan - 11/6/07 at 10:42 PM


goodall - 11/6/07 at 10:54 PM

yea and dual core aint so hot for transcodeing as most progs only use 1 of the processors and then hardly use the second core at all

also it takes for ever to download them, the time it takes you you could almost make the money to buy the dvd, im downloading a operating system, which coasts over a hundred pound, now there is good reason not buy it , also from what iv experienced from this company before there operating systems are rather crap and like to say "system error" or "not responding"

jollygreengiant - 12/6/07 at 04:10 AM

Hang them under the business end off a Space shuttle, just prior to launch. That should burn them pretty quick.

marvinsy - 12/6/07 at 04:15 AM

buy a divx player, it'll play avi and other types so you can burn avi directly to your dvd.

RazMan - 12/6/07 at 06:10 AM

Originally posted by marvinsy
buy a divx player, it'll play avi and other types so you can burn avi directly to your dvd.

Ah, lateral thinking - I like it

Avoneer - 12/6/07 at 06:33 AM

A gave a DVD/AVI Player away a couple of weeks ago!

My xbox (1) does the job nicely and it's networked to my puter so I don't need to burn anything.

Also plays all my music and oh, does games to.


coozer - 12/6/07 at 09:34 AM

I would recommend VSO ConvertXdvd. That will turn the avi file into DVD format in an hour and then 6 minutes with nero to burn.

Also leaves the dvd files on your pc for any repeat or future use.

[Edited on 12/6/07 by coozer]

Confused but excited. - 12/6/07 at 10:23 AM

Quickest way that I have found;
Buy Divx player and get my mate to download films onto a disc for me.
Takes no time at all.
Except for the time it takes to e-mail the 'wanted' list.

Sometimes it pays to be computer illiterate!

[Edited on 12/6/07 by Confused but excited.]

Keith Weiland - 12/6/07 at 10:37 AM

AVI2DVD works ok. its the transcoding which takes the time and is dependent on the CPU

OX - 12/6/07 at 11:22 AM

would allso recommend ConvertXtodvd,easy to use to