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MNR owners in the South/South East
bassett - 23/8/09 at 07:46 PM

Hi, wondering how many owners are based in the south or south east and in and around london and if any owners would be interested in this "Southern Meet + Run 6th Sept" in the club and events section. Il be heading down in my R1 MNR from Caterham and would be good to see some fellow owners.

I was going to put this on the MNR forum but guess what its down again and none of you read it anyway


[Edited on 23/8/09 by bassett]

coozer - 23/8/09 at 07:57 PM

Looking good Adam, I look on the MNR forum every day, well try too anyway, its always toooooooo slow!

I would be up for it if I still lived in Twickenham.. but then I wouldn't have had space to build a car.. hmm.

Good luck anyway

GeorgeM - 23/8/09 at 08:09 PM

Hi Adam,

I'm still trying to decide, it's a bit far from me in Essex though.

I thought about using the trailer to get part way, but not sure where to leave it.

If the weather is good it might still be worth finding a way !


amalyos - 23/8/09 at 08:18 PM

If the weathers good, I may be up for it.
Will be the furthest I'll have driven it on the road, but I bet it's less than a days tracking.


jpindy3 - 23/8/09 at 09:08 PM

see all you there,i hope its nice

GeorgeM - 23/8/09 at 09:23 PM

steve, 71 miles from me

be a good run though, I reckon we did about 60 -70 today was a good run !


sucksqueezebangblow - 24/8/09 at 08:17 AM

I'd be up for it if my car was finished. I think I'm going for the record for the longest build!

Oh yeah, I also visit the MNR Forum regularly, when it is up!

[Edited on 24/8/09 by sucksqueezebangblow]

bassett - 24/8/09 at 12:01 PM

Hi, well if anyone can make it really would be great to meet a few other members especially as the MNR cars make up a small but growing percentage of the 7 market.
George (or anyone else needing to drop bits off) if the trailers small ish it could be left at mine - im off of the main road so its quiet or driveway that fits 3 cars?

As Steve said though i think for a lot of us it will depend on weather so il keep an eye out the whole week before and update this page if it looks likely or not


spdpug98 - 24/8/09 at 12:32 PM

I would of liked to of come along but I think 80miles is a bit to far. I wouldn't mind if it was 80miles of back roads but most of it would be along the A27 not the most enjoyable run.....but still remains a posibility

GeorgeM - 24/8/09 at 01:27 PM

71 miles for me including M25

won't miss it IF it's dry though.

Adam, trailer is a 4 wheeler, so quite big, + the tractor (Vectra)


greenwood03 - 24/8/09 at 09:33 PM

George / Steve, the distance from the Wrotham start point to Bentley is about 40 miles - Wrotham is about 9 miles from the Dartford crossing. If you want to leave a trailer, then could do that at my place which is enroute to the Wrotham start. That said, i know we all are comfortable driving different distances, but us kent boys do 120-150 each weekend with a 45 minute break for brekkie :-)
from the Wrotham start point there won't then be any m/ways, just a+b roads.

GeorgeM - 24/8/09 at 09:49 PM


Wrotham is easy for us. We're about 20-25 mins from the crossing, so 35-40 miles from Wrotham.

We had a Sunday run of 70+ miles with no probs, so looks like about double that for the day, -weather permitting !!

Steve has been to Detling before in his, but mine has only been on the road since end of June. Will be a good day.


richardh - 25/8/09 at 06:38 AM

would be up for it but it might be going by the weekend

richardh - 25/8/09 at 06:42 AM

would be up for it but it might be going by the weekend

bassett - 25/8/09 at 07:50 AM

i think ive only driven my car about 20-30 miles away from home at most as mine was also finished quite recently (still waiting for it to fall apart) so this should be a good test for the car.

disco_biscuit - 26/8/09 at 09:08 PM

I'll be going if its not raining

GeorgeM - 26/8/09 at 09:21 PM

could be a few vortx's

don't think I've seen more than about 8 together before, could be a record

Any more in the area. How about chockymonster & Johneturbo ?


richardh - 27/8/09 at 06:40 AM

wont be there. sold mine last night.
it's gone to a good home not very far from me

greenwood03 - 27/8/09 at 12:45 PM

in which case richard, tap the buyer up for a ride on the 6th - you buy the bacon butties, he pays the petrol! seriously - perhaps you could let him know about this??

richardh - 27/8/09 at 01:13 PM

will do.

bassett - 27/8/09 at 09:22 PM

It will be great if you above guys can make it and i really hope the weather holds out so we can. I think the most MNRs ive seen in one place was at detling which was 2 mnrs!!!, Busa demonstrator and the chap with the black v8 outside(sorry forgotten name is it Ian?)

bassett - 27/8/09 at 09:23 PM

Well done on the sale Richard i hope you dont miss it too much unless it means you end up and get another one

Jaysun370 - 1/9/09 at 09:53 AM


I'm seriously looking at getting a Vortx kit in the near future, if the weather holds and you guys go would you mind if i came along and took a look at yours? I'm going to visit the factory at some point this month but i'd just like to see some finished cars, and talk through your builds.

Cheers, Jason

GeorgeM - 1/9/09 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Jaysun370

I'm seriously looking at getting a Vortx kit in the near future, if the weather holds and you guys go would you mind if i came along and took a look at yours? I'm going to visit the factory at some point this month but i'd just like to see some finished cars, and talk through your builds.

Cheers, Jason

just try stopping us talking about them , you will be more than welcome.
where are you based??


Jaysun370 - 1/9/09 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by GeorgeM
Originally posted by Jaysun370

I'm seriously looking at getting a Vortx kit in the near future, if the weather holds and you guys go would you mind if i came along and took a look at yours? I'm going to visit the factory at some point this month but i'd just like to see some finished cars, and talk through your builds.

Cheers, Jason

just try stopping us talking about them , you will be more than welcome.
where are you based??


Hi GeorgeM,

Thanks look forward to meeting you guys, weather permitting! I'm in Basingstoke in Hampshire so not too far to come.

Cheers, Jason

bassett - 2/9/09 at 07:57 AM

If you havent seen the main thread on the event, sunday looks as if it will actually be sunny, this is from the bbc though so it will probably change other the coming days. who thinks they will make it out then?

bassett - 4/9/09 at 01:09 PM

Quick reminder to all that are interested this is this weekend - Sunday, and well weathers gone from sunny to overcast according to the BBC but still no planned rain. If you havent met me before come say hello, il be in the G plate Orange MNR vortx driven by me a short plump bloke

GeorgeM - 4/9/09 at 10:12 PM

is that the orange mnr in your avatar then


bassett - 4/9/09 at 10:48 PM

Sure is, i just forget its there when i am at work as most images are blocked. I definitely need a new photo up as thats with it dressed in beautiful sva gear - maybe some one could take a good one on sunday

[Edited on 6/9/09 by bassett]