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Name and Shame - SureTerm Customer Service
ash_hammond - 20/9/10 at 05:03 PM

Apparently my insurance renewal for my MAC#1 is: £366 which will be collected by 11 payments of £43.45 Alarm bells start to ring.

Topline is acutally £421, £97 of that is an admin fee taken by SureTerm.

I called SureTerm to ask why there was £97 fee, they said quote (no phun intended) "Thats our cut"

They asked if i had got another quote. I said Yes £257 all in. I simply got "Thanks for calling" and the phone was put down.

Moral, If you insure with SureTerm check you renewal.

MakeEverything - 20/9/10 at 05:12 PM

Is ther enot an ombudsman that prevents them from making excessive margins / profit?

speed8 - 20/9/10 at 05:21 PM

My renewal pretty much doubled with them so I called them up and told them I wouldn't be renewing. I still got numerous letters and phone calls reminding me my policy was about to expire.

Suffice to say, Competition Car Insurance gave me a good quote for only a little more than my previous years insurance but included 5 track days so a good deal I think. Just need to make sure I get some track time in

chrisxr2 - 20/9/10 at 05:26 PM

Some customer service that is.

Ben_Copeland - 20/9/10 at 05:30 PM

Seems that insurance company customer service is a bit lacking in most companies when it comes to asking about renewals/admin fees

bi22le - 20/9/10 at 05:49 PM

Not the first time I have heard someone slat Sureterm, and probably not the last. They did not entertain me once I mentioned my history so Im yet to have a bad experience with them!!

stevebubs - 20/9/10 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
Not the first time I have heard someone slat Sureterm, and probably not the last. They did not entertain me once I mentioned my history so Im yet to have a bad experience with them!!

I insured with them a few years ago and as I was due to go to Le Mans in a few weeks, asked them how much a green card would be for that policy.."Free" was the answer.

"OK..can you send that with the policy documents?"
"No sir, you need to call up when you have the documents and order it separately"
"seems a bit silly, but OK"

1 week later..

"I'm calling up to order my green card"
"Yes sir, that'll be £35."
"You WHAT!!"

Took a lot of arguing to get them to send me the card gratis...

[Edited on 20/9/10 by stevebubs]

norfolkluego - 20/9/10 at 11:39 PM

Just moved my daily driver from Sureterm, went on Comparethemarket and knocked nearly 50% off the premium (no, that's not a missprint, I did say nearly 50%), that's after being with Sureterm for over 8 years, I'd have a shop around if your renewal's coming up with them

nick205 - 21/9/10 at 09:50 AM

TBH I've always got a better deal by moving insurers than renewing with the encumbent on any vehicle.

Seems to me they just don't want to retain business these days. What was the maxim..."It's easier and cheaper to keep a customer than find a new one".

I guess what they lose in non-renewal business they gain in new business at low prices gained from competitors non-renewal business loss - crazy!

adithorp - 21/9/10 at 11:09 AM

My Fury has been insured through them for the last 3 years and the premium has stayed pretty much the same each year.


indykid - 21/9/10 at 02:09 PM

it's why i'm now insured with frank pickles.

i can't see myself even ringing sureterm for a quote next year

Guinness - 18/10/10 at 09:23 AM

I wonder what is going on at Sureterm. I've been with them for 5 years, paying around £150 all in for the Indy (inc green card and European Breakdown). This years renewal £300.

WTF. Will be ringing around today.

mistergrumpy - 18/10/10 at 12:42 PM

I had a 1.4 Astra insured with Aviva (Norwich Union) with 12 years NCB. Came in around £300. Had a very slight rear end bump a few weeks ago, my fault and only broke the bottom of my number plate. Was sent a letter to ring them and had a hell of a time with no one admitting they'd sent the letter and having to deal with people in India and actually having and Indian fella start to shout at me. I was given £50 compensation for bad service which I wasn't going to accept until I saw my phone bill and then my renewal came through the door. £2027!

Guinness - 1/11/10 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Guinness
I wonder what is going on at Sureterm. I've been with them for 5 years, paying around £150 all in for the Indy (inc green card and European Breakdown). This years renewal £300.

WTF. Will be ringing around today.

Had a telephone call from Sureterm today.
Him "Are you renewing Sir?"
Me "No"
Him "Why?"
Me "You doubled my premium!"
Him "Ok"

That's it. No negotiation, no sorry, no explanation, he just hung up.

Hellfire - 1/11/10 at 09:00 PM

Unfortunately loyalty to most companies counts for nothing these days and that's not just limited to insurance companies either..... It applies to insurers, banks, building societies, utility companies and even employers...
