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Insurance inc track day cover.
cerbera - 7/3/11 at 01:26 PM

It's that time of year again and I've been shopping round for my insurance renewal.
Are there any insurers out there who will cover you for one or two trackdays as part of the package. So far I have spoken with Allstyles, Sureterm and Frank Pickles with no luck.


speed8 - 7/3/11 at 01:34 PM

Competition Car Insurance. Uses Aviva and includes 5 trackdays. Currently paying £300/year for BEC in dodgy Leeds postcode.

Ask for Lisa

cerbera - 7/3/11 at 06:01 PM

Thanks. I'll give them a call.

Yazza54 - 7/3/11 at 08:22 PM

CCI were useless for me. They said they won't insure a non factory build because the builder could have obtained parts from anywhere. I said but it's been SVA'd as new build with receipts to prove etcetc hence being on a 57 plate!!!

No no no we won't insure it

Fucking idiots I'll give my money to someone else then

speed8 - 8/3/11 at 01:32 AM

Strange. They were really good with me. Even insured my tin-top with 5 track days on that too.

I would say try and speak to Lisa as she has dealt with me both times and been great. Even given me a big NCB bonus based on my tin-top NCB (I didn't have any NCB on the BEC)

I do know a couple of other people have been told they don't insure road registered cars but when they called back and spoke to somebody else they had no problems.

I don't think road cover is their main line of business hence the confusion sometimes.