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Whooops .... bad choice
02GF74 - 15/10/10 at 01:50 PM

Harry Mundy, who designed the twin-cam development of the engine for Lotus, was offered the choice of payment for his work of £1000 cash or a royalty of £1 per unit.

Knowing Colin Chapman's reputation in financial matters and the fact that he'd never made 1000 of anything, he took the cash.

The twin cam went on to 55,000 units.

loggyboy - 15/10/10 at 02:11 PM

Been Wiki 'ing?

blakep82 - 15/10/10 at 02:24 PM

how many sold before he died i wonder?

scootz - 15/10/10 at 02:26 PM

Always take the money and run!

Paul_C - 15/10/10 at 03:34 PM

I read that it bought his wife a new fur coat in those politically incorrect times.

g.gilo - 15/10/10 at 03:43 PM

i had the pleasure of meeting harry and lofty england at a talk they did in a local pub, back in 1970 / 71. he brought up the matter of the cash or royalties then.
he was upset 40 years ago?

designer - 15/10/10 at 06:26 PM

The bloke who played trombone on the original Coronation Street theme took 7s 6d (37p) instead of royalties.

Ninehigh - 15/10/10 at 07:05 PM

And the moral of the story is take the royalties

wilkingj - 15/10/10 at 08:04 PM

The original star trek crew all took royalties and made a mint all except one, who took the money.
I think it was Mcoy the Doc who did badly out of it.

You cant win them all, all of the time.

RazMan - 16/10/10 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by wilkingj
The original star trek crew all took royalties and made a mint all except one, who took the money.
I think it was Mcoy the Doc who did badly out of it.

You cant win them all, all of the time.

That's life Jim, but not as we know it

MikeR - 16/10/10 at 12:09 PM

similar story with Alec Guinness from Star Wars - although i can't remember if he got cash up front or royalties....