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Renault Mechanics?
AndyGT - 23/1/11 at 06:53 PM

Looking at changing a Clio 1.9 Turbo Diesel CamBelt, Tensioners and other related bits at same time. Is it an easy job or not? How long should a hobbyist mechanic take to do the job, its for the mother-in-law!!! Is there anything else to do at the same time whilst its in bits??


perksy - 23/1/11 at 07:20 PM

Never done one but the Book time is just over 3 hours

ASH3 - 23/1/11 at 07:42 PM

Not a bad job to do yes 3hr job but do get a belt kit
that has the top cam pulley as well as tensioner
and idler as cam pulley is prone to the rubber
section breaking away, dont half make a noise when it does

rusty nuts - 23/1/11 at 07:42 PM

Have fun. Make sure you don't turn the engine over with the crank bolt loose , some of the Renaults have a floating crank sprocket, (no key)

prawnabie - 23/1/11 at 08:15 PM

1.9 clio will be keyed, MAKE SURE you change the cam sprocket but I dont think it comes in the kit - ive lost count of the number of these Ive seen with a sheared off key in the sprocket