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New house!
westcost1 - 11/11/08 at 03:03 PM

Not been on here for a bit or got anything done on the car in the past month as i h got the keys into my 1st house last month.
I have been flat out renovating the house so we can move in but have tried not to neglect the car (much to girl friends frustration)
The garage roof was in a bad state with a hole as big as my footin the roof and 2 freezers full of food that had been in there festering for nearly a year. Had to get environmental health to remove the freezers and i then disinfected the whole thing twice to remove the smell. Chopped 1m of rotten wood off and replaced the felt which took me 4 days was very lucky with the wether. wall and floor are painted and the car is now in its warm new home (has been under a lean-to for 2 years brrrr!) there is also a good conceret base directly behind the garage so i can build a small work shop with a door leading into the garage. cant wait to get in there and finish painting it. But can’t see that happening until after xmas . will i get it on the road for the summer mmm? me thinks not... go go go! Rescued attachment 1.jpg
Rescued attachment 1.jpg

mookaloid - 11/11/08 at 03:29 PM

Enjoy it while you can - it will probably never be that tidy again!

westcost1 - 11/11/08 at 03:32 PM

There are already 2 compressors spare set of wheels bonnet and nose cone and all the boxes of bits i had striped of the car to paint it before we got the house. Looks like i need a double garage.

maartenromijn - 11/11/08 at 03:49 PM

I would build another garage on top of the existing one!

Seriously, why not build a sloped roof on the garage, so you can have an attic for storage of car-parts.

(sorry for incorrect English building terms)

Like this: Rescued attachment schuur.jpg
Rescued attachment schuur.jpg

nick205 - 11/11/08 at 04:18 PM

^^^^ as the man says, get extending upwards and create some more space. You could create a seating area with tea and tv facilities for when you need a break from building

westcost1 - 11/11/08 at 04:28 PM

i so need a tv in there so i can watch the f1 when working on the car next year as it comes back to bbc 1 no more adverts best to keep building low and avoid planning permission.

[Edited on 11/11/08 by westcost1]

DarrenW - 11/11/08 at 04:40 PM

Easier to build a 'temporary' construction to back of existing garage seeing as there is a concrete base already. Nothing to stop it looking like a shed on the outside but with a thermalite 'skin' on the inside (breeze blocks etc). Lintel on back wall of garage and doorway through to workshop.

westcost1 - 11/11/08 at 04:55 PM

yep it should work well you can see the steel door in the garage to go in the outside wall of the workshop. i was thinking of making it out of 100mm rockwool laminated with steel panels that we use at work similar to the type of thing that warehouses are made from then clad in wood to look like a shed. Or could just do it in block as you say.
ill just be happy to be worm lol

Wadders - 11/11/08 at 08:36 PM

I think he meant, washing machines, freezer, kids bikes, lawn mower etc


Originally posted by westcost1
There are already 2 compressors spare set of wheels bonnet and nose cone and all the boxes of bits i had striped of the car to paint it before we got the house. Looks like i need a double garage.

westcost1 - 14/11/08 at 04:49 PM

Lawnmowers live in sheds don’t have kids washing machine freezer are all in the kitchen my bikes going on the wall in the garage so its all for the car.

westcost1 - 14/11/08 at 04:49 PM

Lawnmowers live in sheds don’t have kids washing machine freezer are all in the kitchen my bikes going on the wall in the garage so its all for the car.