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Top Gear Live
vorn - 23/11/08 at 06:17 AM

Hello people

Top Gear Live is coming to New Zealand early in the new year and I am thinking of going to it.

My question is has anyone else been to it ? and what they thought of it.

It will be a costly trip to see it as it is in the north Island and I am in the south island.

Any comments would be appreciated as I want to go , but I could spend the money on better things if it's not worth going to.



speedyxjs - 23/11/08 at 08:34 AM

Iv been for the last 4 years. Great show altough i must admit, this yeas wasnt the best. Still worth going to though

pjavon - 23/11/08 at 09:03 AM

I've been twice and didn't think much of the live shows to be honest. Personally I'd spent the money on my car from now on.
Just my opinion of course

mookaloid - 23/11/08 at 11:05 AM

Go and see it - you'll always wonder if you should have gone if you don't........

stevec - 23/11/08 at 11:19 AM

I went to the one at the NEC in Birmingham last week.
I thought it was very entertaining, the only thing that spoils these shows for me is the very loud music they insist on playing that drowns out the music the engines make!


speedyxjs - 23/11/08 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by stevec
I went to the one at the NEC in Birmingham last week.
I thought it was very entertaining, the only thing that spoils these shows for me is the very loud music they insist on playing that drowns out the music the engines make!


I must agree with that