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Trackday Tyres
eddie99 - 7/7/09 at 05:13 PM

Hi Guys,
Sorry if its been posted before but just thought i would let you know:
Just been reading EVO, and there is an article about trackday tyres such as r888's, being changed from road legal.
Just thought i'd let you know if any of you were buying a few sets or something and wouldnt be able to get through them if the rule comes in at christmas.
Likely hood is it wont change but just a heads up

thorpey182 - 7/7/09 at 05:25 PM

I heard something similar, and remember something about that it's coming into effect in 2012?

slimtater - 7/7/09 at 05:28 PM

Stuart_B - 7/7/09 at 06:08 PM

hi, edd should you not be working on teh kit car?

thanks for the heads up.
