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How's your eyeball judgement..?
GeoffT - 20/12/09 at 12:10 PM

As per title a quick test of how good you are at 'eyeballing'. You have to run each test three times, then it gives your overall score at the end.

You've got 5.26 to beat......

Ooops, forgot the link,


[Edited on 20/12/09 by GeoffT]

[Edited on 20/12/09 by GeoffT]

Confused but excited. - 20/12/09 at 12:13 PM

I win!
First one to spot there's no link.

Slater - 20/12/09 at 12:19 PM


then 3.17 on second go.

[Edited on 20/12/09 by Slater]

Confused but excited. - 20/12/09 at 12:19 PM

Cack! Only got 3.79.
I suppose it's not too bad for an old fart with specs.

JUD - 20/12/09 at 12:20 PM

4.42 - is that good?

Steve G - 20/12/09 at 12:20 PM

4.20 for me

Steve G - 20/12/09 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Cack! Only got 3.79.
I suppose it's not too bad for an old fart with specs.

Lower is better though!! You're leading so far

mccsp - 20/12/09 at 12:25 PM


gregs - 20/12/09 at 12:29 PM


clairetoo - 20/12/09 at 12:29 PM

2.19 !

snakebelly - 20/12/09 at 12:31 PM


mookaloid - 20/12/09 at 12:31 PM


Werner Van Loock - 20/12/09 at 12:34 PM


speedyxjs - 20/12/09 at 12:35 PM


ashg - 20/12/09 at 12:36 PM

3.62 after about 3 trys

mistergrumpy - 20/12/09 at 12:45 PM

Didn't bloody understand half of what it meant and it took too long I got bored. 15. summat or other.

liam.mccaffrey - 20/12/09 at 12:50 PM


well done claire.

Interestingly I was significantly worse at the centre of the triangle one. I would have been low 2's had I not screwed that one up every time!

[Edited on 20/12/09 by liam.mccaffrey]

coozer - 20/12/09 at 01:14 PM

16.67 pointless, where's the beer

phelpsa - 20/12/09 at 01:32 PM

4.01. Managed a 0.0 on the circle centre!

liam.mccaffrey - 20/12/09 at 01:44 PM

i got an 0.0 on mid point

twybrow - 20/12/09 at 02:24 PM

2.94 first try. Nice game - I like it!

A1 - 20/12/09 at 02:36 PM

i got 10.6... but i kept accidentally pressing the mousepad thingy and gimping it

mediabloke - 20/12/09 at 02:44 PM

3.96. Trying to bisect a random angle wasn't a particularly good idea though...

rb968 - 20/12/09 at 03:10 PM

2.79 for me.

Madinventions - 20/12/09 at 04:09 PM

time for a mince pie or 6.

Daddylonglegs - 20/12/09 at 07:57 PM

You're all fibbers! I'm not even going to post my score

SPYDER - 20/12/09 at 08:49 PM

2.8 first time
2.46 second time.

koiking125 - 20/12/09 at 09:41 PM

Are you allowed to use a ruler???

mark chandler - 20/12/09 at 09:42 PM

Overall score: 3.97

after a few attempts

koiking125 - 20/12/09 at 09:51 PM

2.81 with no ruler in sight

[Edited on 20/12/09 by koiking125]

Liam - 20/12/09 at 10:00 PM

First go...

Got a 3.6, a 2.0, a 1.6, a 2.2, a 0.8, a 5.0, and...


I was thinking of something a bit different to what they were thinking for the triangle centre.

So 6.0 overall. Having another go.

Liam - 20/12/09 at 10:04 PM

Oh - 3 times round = 1 'go'. Think i'll start again...

Liam - 20/12/09 at 10:22 PM

Woo! 2.45 - on the little top 10 chart too!!

iscmatt - 20/12/09 at 11:06 PM

That bloody triangle keeps mucking me up!

Triton - 20/12/09 at 11:06 PM

9.08 i think some cheating going on here....

mgmiller - 20/12/09 at 11:12 PM

I'm with Triton

I got 9.24 :-(

Liam - 20/12/09 at 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Triton
9.08 i think some cheating going on here....

Nah I reckon I could get sub 2 with cheating! As long as I could find a way to cheat on that damn triangle centre one which I always mess up most on

dhutch - 21/12/09 at 12:15 AM

Rushing a bit but got 3.48.
- Was miles off on the first triangle center, 16 somthing!


iank - 21/12/09 at 10:09 AM

4.17 not good, not terrible

Ninehigh - 22/12/09 at 11:51 PM

4.8 Right on the highest point of the graph.

Yay I'm average!

woolly - 22/12/09 at 11:52 PM

2.16 after a lot of goes.