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Does it seem like Christmas?
907 - 24/12/09 at 04:56 PM

Hi All.

Is it just me or is there something missing this year?

We've got lights on the house, the tree's decorated, the extra leaves have been added to the table,
the drinks cabinet has been filled, the goose is ready for stuffing....

but it still doesn't feel like Christmas somehow.

There's not even been the masses of avatars on here or threads on Christmas meets.

What's gone wrong?

Paul G

iank - 24/12/09 at 04:59 PM

Not used to snow at Christmas? That or the recession?

coozer - 24/12/09 at 05:08 PM

Its never felt like crimbo to me since my mam died on new years eve 9 years ago.

And, we have more bad news on the way, find out tonight.

MikeRJ - 24/12/09 at 05:11 PM

My wife said exactly the same thing to me last just doesn't feel very 'Christmassy' for some reason.

Hope your news is good Coozer.

[Edited on 24/12/09 by MikeRJ]

mistergrumpy - 24/12/09 at 05:14 PM

I know what you mean. I'm off to work in a few hours which doesn't help but I was wondering the same thing last night whilst sat in a hospital.
I reckon that America's to blame. They release all these films which are basically the same. New York, snow, steam coming from the pavements, drunk father christmas, real father christmas etc etc and I think it sub consciously paints a picture in peoples head about how Christmas should be and when you're sat at home watching repeats with the local chavs snowballing your house and the newspapers creating frenzy over snow on the roads etc. it just dampens things and makes you a bit cynical.
Personally I couldn't give a monkeys about it and am sick of this scrooge bo77ocks. Maybe I'm right to not get over excited about 1 day and the rest of people are just too easily unfluenced by the media hype crap.
Roll on Summer! Love it!

clairetoo - 24/12/09 at 05:15 PM

It finally feels like Christmas for me - works `do' last night , no hangover ( ) , had a full proper breakfast in Morrisons before getting in the supplies of food and drink , and I have the fire lit and enough wood cut to last till boxing day
Bring it on - I'm ready !

[Edited on 24/12/09 by clairetoo]

907 - 24/12/09 at 05:16 PM

The snow should make it more Christmassy shouldn't it?

Paul G

p.s. Sorry to hear that Coozer.

Confused but excited. - 24/12/09 at 05:37 PM

What's wrong is people's attitude, especially in cities. Pressure of work, advertising telling your kids that they must have the latest gadget, insularity.
It is supposed to be a time of joy.So, enjoy it. Wish a stranger 'Merry christmas' and watch the look of suprise change to a smile. It may make you feel good too.
I live in a small rural place where everyone wishes each other Merry Christmas in the street, the shops etc. It's brilliant.
It's Christmas and I love it!


fesycresy - 24/12/09 at 05:40 PM

Hasn't felt like Christmas for a while.

I think it's work related, I work my nuts off leading up to Christmas, get two days off then back to work.

At least this year it spans a weekend, back in Tuesday.

blakep82 - 24/12/09 at 05:41 PM

hmm, yeah, i remember 4 weeks ago it didn't feel christmassy, but suddenly today it does. it didn't yesterday though.

richard thomas - 24/12/09 at 05:48 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
It finally feels like Christmas for me - works `do' last night , no hangover ( ) , had a full proper breakfast in Morrisons before getting in the supplies of food and drink , and I have the fire lit and enough wood cut to last till boxing day
Bring it on - I'm ready !

[Edited on 24/12/09 by clairetoo]

No hangover!!!!!!!!

Must be doing something wrong.....

Merry Christmas to all!

chris.russell - 24/12/09 at 05:49 PM

This year is very strange for me as it is the first time i will be celebrating Christmas in sunny Florida, its 22c outside today and dispite having a Christmas tree up its not the same wearing shorts and a tshirt

Merry Christmas everyone

alistairolsen - 24/12/09 at 06:08 PM

Nope, not one bit. Just in from the garage and Ill probably be out again tomorrow. May as well enjoy the time off work

marcjagman - 24/12/09 at 06:29 PM

Don't even have decorations up, bought no cards or presents, seems like being a scrooge but I lost my 2 young daughters earlier this year so I don't really have a lot to celebrate.

blakep82 - 24/12/09 at 06:32 PM

i did feel slightly christmassy when i heard santa claus is coming to town, by bruce springsteen on the radio the other nite

jacko - 24/12/09 at 06:32 PM

Your getting old Paul is that it ?
Merry Christmas And a happy new year

zilspeed - 24/12/09 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
Don't even have decorations up, bought no cards or presents, seems like being a scrooge but I lost my 2 young daughters earlier this year so I don't really have a lot to celebrate.

I hope you have some friends / family to be around.

Richard Quinn - 24/12/09 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
Don't even have decorations up, bought no cards or presents, seems like being a scrooge but I lost my 2 young daughters earlier this year so I don't really have a lot to celebrate.
So sorry!

coozer - 24/12/09 at 06:56 PM

Feeling a bit more christmasy now, the news isn't what we where expecting.

Wor lasses mother has a broken back... I know it sounds bad but its minor fractures caused by brittle bone syndrome.. we were expecting something else after they ordered an MRI scan this afternoon. Thats come back clear, Phew!

Merry Christmas all


marcjagman - 24/12/09 at 07:22 PM

Just me, the missus with MS and the cat, so I bought him some turkey cat food.

marcjagman - 24/12/09 at 07:26 PM

Just because I'm being miserable and sorrowful doesn't mean I hate Xmas, I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and loved ones, but this year, just not for me.

David Jenkins - 24/12/09 at 07:33 PM

Me and the Missus are having a simple, laid-back Christmas this year - really simple (but VERY tasty) Xmas lunch, with hardly any preparation to bother with. Also, very few presents - neither of us knew what we wanted, so we're going out in the week after the bank holiday to spend an allocated pot of money on each other.

We've had a fairly grim year in 2009 with one thing and another, so we're looking forward to better things in 2010...

McLannahan - 24/12/09 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
Don't even have decorations up, bought no cards or presents, seems like being a scrooge but I lost my 2 young daughters earlier this year so I don't really have a lot to celebrate.

Difficult to know what to say, but hope things look up for you soon

All the best