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Bike test info needed please.
CraigJ - 4/3/10 at 08:49 PM

Right i did my bike theory test in 2008 and it runs out this year on july 22. I want to get my test done but i just cant afford to do a DAS course as money is tight at the moment. What are my options to get my test done?

Do some places offer monthly payment options on DAS course's?

If i just do the test on a 125 am i stuck with only been able to use a 125 (33bhp) for 2 years etc. Im 26 btw.


Steve G - 4/3/10 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by CraigJ
What are my options to get my test done?

Sell your kit car........... i just happen to have £500 cash here!!!

mads - 4/3/10 at 08:54 PM

see what your local motorbike places have to offer. you could just re-do your CBT and then when you have enough £££ later on, do the rest of the DAS.

CraigJ - 4/3/10 at 09:00 PM

Steve G:

Thinking of selling. will want about £2500-3000 for it though.


I wont have that kinda money before july.

Miks15 - 4/3/10 at 09:19 PM

Yes if you do a restricted access then you will be stuck on 33bhp for 2 years, unlessyou take and accelarated acess test.

Do you have much biking experience?

My local place do it a number of days depending on previous ability. So i only did 2days learning follwed by the test. A fair but cheaper than a full weeks learning

I did restricted as i was only 17 at the time.

Steve G - 4/3/10 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by CraigJ
Steve G:

Thinking of selling. will want about £2500-3000 for it though.


I wont have that kinda money before july.

haha sorry Craig i was just pulling your leg on that one with the silly figure. I'll be building from scratch later this year myself once i've saved some more beer tokens

robocog - 4/3/10 at 10:33 PM

I have my module 1 next Thursday having passed my theory test last month
I debated and debated DAS or going alone and doing the 2 year 33hp restricted license

I decided its possibly much easier/cheaper/less stressful for me to take the test on the CG125 I am now pretty used to and live with a 2 year restriction
TBH the fuel saving from riding the CG will hopefully have almost paid for my license assuming I get it passed first or second time round

Not gone for any instruction/tuition and am hoping I can get both modules done without too much drama or requiring to hire the local school

Mod 1 £15
Mod 2 £75

Hoping I'm going the right direction and don't fail too many times otherwise I will kick myself I didn't just stump up the dosh for a DAS course with test at the end, which seemed to be in the £500 region when I made enquiries

I believe there is nothing stopping you from getting a bigger bike and DIY restricting it as long as its under 33 hp IF you ever get a pull and they decide to take your bike to a dyno to check...but I guess this would only occur if you rode like a cock and gave them reason to believe you could well be riding in contravention to your licenses conditions
(eg attracting attention to yourself -doing 100+/pulling wheelies/microscopic plates and baffle less exhaust wearing nothing but a thong and blacked out helmet visor etc)
If ridden sensibly I guess you would have to be pretty unfortunate to have bike brought in for a dyno check

The bike I own and want to eventually ride only had 34 HP back in 1976 if the wild claims Honda made were correct so not particularly fussed about a 2 year restriction anyway personally so going to try and get it done on the cheap
I'm sure it will feel like a ballistic missile compared to the CG's measly 10hp or so
