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Meningitus ?? Advice please
Andybarbet - 3/12/10 at 10:07 PM

One of our closest friends has just been rushed into hospital with meningitus, shes in her 30's, been quite under the weather for a few months now and had a lot of tests etc (not sure if this is related to it or not)

Today she had a blood test and was admitted sraight away to have a ct scan & lumber puncture, they have now said its meningitus.

I am getting texts as and when my bestest chum (her other half) can send them as he is by her side in the hospital. Does anyone have any experience or advice ? we dont know what to think at the mo as it sort of sends you into a thinking the worst situation. Is it something that a high percentage of people are ok from ? are there different strains of it etc ??

Sorry for the randomness or spelling mistakes but not sure what to think apart from being very worried for her.

We have all been through some serious life probs together, marriage break ups etc & all supported each other at some really strange times of the day and night, they even lived with us for a while when things were quite bad but never anything like this thats health related

Cheers Andy

femster87 - 3/12/10 at 10:16 PM

little brother had one last summer. Its quite serious to be honest( i know its not what you want to hear) but she would be well looked after. He spent about 2 weeks in hospital. 1st week in Intensive care. But came through ok. At least they know whats wrong. The first week with my brother was just speculations. so she should be out in no time. Hang in there and all the best

graememk - 3/12/10 at 10:18 PM

i had it when i was a baby.

cant really tell you much, but dont start reading up about it on google as you'll only go and freek yourself out.

shes in the best place

bitsilly - 3/12/10 at 10:24 PM

Do you know if it is bacterial or viral (viral is not as bad)?
Either way, if it is treated she has a very good chance of being fine and having no lasting effects (like hearing problems).
Worst case, it is bacterial, was treated very late, but she still has an 80% chance of being fine.
All that is what I remember from an outbreak at my daughters nursery.
I am sure things have moved on since then.
Try and be positive and the very best of luck to you all.

StevieB - 3/12/10 at 10:35 PM

I think the main thing you need to know is that she's in the right place to be taken care of and the medical staff in the hospitals in this country are poo hot at dealing with things in my experience.

Best thing you can do is not worry about the situation and look after your mate in the meantime.

Fozzie - 3/12/10 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by StevieB
I think the main thing you need to know is that she's in the right place to be taken care of and the medical staff in the hospitals in this country are poo hot at dealing with things in my experience.

Best thing you can do is not worry about the situation and look after your mate in the meantime.

Yep ..try and not to delve too much, as it may just scare you......
I had the viral kind about this time of year 16 years ago....I had all the tests/lumbar puncture and spent 3 days in hospital.
So I understand the concerns you have .....

As StevieB says, try and not to worry, she is in the best place, and your mate needs you....

Wishing her a speedy recovery....


BenB - 3/12/10 at 10:50 PM

Yup, find out if it's viral or bacterial. Massive difference. I've seen lots of people with it and they've all pulled through without sequelae in my experience.... Septicaemia is a different kettle of fish completely.

Andybarbet - 3/12/10 at 10:54 PM

Thanks for the replys boys and girls, some reassurance there

I must admit i didnt do a search on the net, i thought i would get some better info on here, these things pop up and you dont quite know what to think at first.

We did ask if there was anything they need and the text we just got back says a yacht & an aston martin so they both seem to be keeping their chins up.

We are hopeing to have some better answers tomorrow.

On a positive note, my son is 11 today & my dad is 67 today - double whammy birthdays

Cheers Andy

Chippy - 3/12/10 at 11:26 PM

Hi Andy, both my wife and my cousin had it, (different times), and while it wasn't pleasant they both recovered fully. My wife was in hospital for two weeks, but my cousin for over a month. Regards Ray

Ninehigh - 4/12/10 at 12:27 AM

The only person I know who's had it made a full recovery too. It sounds like something where you're really effing ill for a while and then recover..

Hope you enjoyed the birthdays

bigpig - 4/12/10 at 10:16 AM

I know a couple of people who have had it. If its bacterial vs viral makes a difference, bacterial is more serious, but responds well to antibiotics if caught in time . Both made a full recovery, the one with viral ended up with migraines for years, but she had symptoms for a couple of weeks before being referred to hospital. Just in case they pumped her with loads of antibiotics in case it was actually bacterial.

If she has been ill for some months, I would assume its viral. With bacterial symptoms can come on quite quickly.

Have a look at:

ashg - 4/12/10 at 11:33 AM

Originally posted by BenB
Yup, find out if it's viral or bacterial. Massive difference. I've seen lots of people with it and they've all pulled through without sequelae in my experience.... Septicaemia is a different kettle of fish completely.

I had Septicaemia about 6 years ago. wouldn't wish it on anyone. as stated by others the hospital staff were spot on. lots of people moan about the nhs being slow but trust me when your really sick they don't muck about.

this time last year ginge and i got badly burnt (ginge more than me) from a burst radiator pipe, we walked into a&e and were treated immediately, the same thing happened when i was dropped off at the hospital by my mate on his way to work half unconscious with Septicaemia, according to the doctor if i had of left it any longer i would have been in very serious trouble. what shocked me was how quickly i went down hill.

sounds like you have caught it nice and early before its got too bad. they will fix her up quick sharp if my experiences are anything to go on.

[Edited on 4/12/2010 by ashg]

swanny - 4/12/10 at 08:38 PM

my litte boy had bacterial meningitis at one day old, and then developed septicaema, fitting etc the whole bag of tricks.
a month of panicking in hospital and he came through it without hearing loss, limb loss etc.
lumbar punctures are horrible at the best of times but seeing it dont on my one day old is a memory that never ceases to chill me.

get onto the meningitis trust website. good advice on their and nurses, experts to talk to if you/family are worried and needing facts;.